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I am to use public parameter to append to SourceDataset macro. I want to keep initial folder fixed in my case it's /roor/FME/.



Steps taken


-Define Published Parameter as INPUT_DATA which will contain relative e.g. path /data/shape/1.shp.


-Append above param to SourceDataset_GENERIC by "/root/FME/$(INPUT_PATH)"



This is working well on my windows machine (FME Desktop 2014) but when I publish it to FME server (linux) somwhow it is retaining a reference to my windows machine's path as a result of this it's throwing an error as "No Shape Files found to process in directory `C:/root/FME/data/1.shp'. Check directory and ids statement in mapping file"



I am struggling to find a reason for this behaviour.



I have no idea why this happens, but you could try to convert "SourceDataset_GENERIC" to a Python scripted parameter with the following code and see if it works better:



return "/root/FME/" + FME_MacroValuesl'INPUT_DATA']



Thanks David. It works.
