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The subject sort of says it all. I'm trying to setup a workbench process anyone in our team can run, or that I can work out how to automate.



Basically I'm retreiving data from an XML feed that takes 2 querystring variables, one has to be the current date in the format (dd/mm/YY), the other I can make static as the number of days history of events to be retrieved.



I would be grateful if anyone can advise hoe I can do this in Workbench, or if there's a method for doing it in Python (bearing in mind I'm a newbie @ Python).







it is probably easiest to do this with the existing XML functionality in FME, rather than doing it in Python (particularly if you're not already fluent in Python).



To generate XML inside the workspace, I like to use the XMLTemplater.



To parse XML contained in an attribute, I would look into using the XMLFlattener.



That's not the question. I have to put the current date in a querystring variable that's used to retrieve the XML feed. I've managed to read the data using a static date, now it has to run automatically adding the current date to the querystring.



Create a parameter (date), retrive it and add to the querystring instead of the static date.


Now with every prompt the user can define the date that will be used in the query.


Hope this helps.
Nope, unfortunately I need the current date to be automatically set, as, ideally, the project needs to run automatically importing updates into our Geo database on a regular basis.
So you need a TimeStamper?



If not, please try to rephrase your question.



Time stamper it is otherwise see David's answer.
