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I'm playing around with security settings and it seems that if you password protect a custom transformer, it still spews out info in the logs from the internal guts of what's going on. Is there a way to prevent the internal guts of a custom transformer from being logged? Ie. I just want to show the input and output of the transformer. Is that possible? Seemed maybe like it was from this article

This is something we've discussed internally, keen to hear if there are any solutions

If a password is set then log_debug won't operate the same way. So there is some protection. A user shouldn't be able to recreate the contents fully from the log. But other than that, I don't think it had been considered before.


If you rename the transformers inside the custom transformer then the name gets logged, not necessarily the type. Like this:



But if you'd like to have it turned off completely, I think the best thing to do is to add this as an idea so other users can vote on it and we can gauge the demand.

This is something we've discussed internally, keen to hear if there are any solutions

Go vote for the idea:

Voted :)
