If you want ot process data in overlapping area's you can spatial relate the area's first.
Then clone the area's which overlap 1 or more times.
Then you can do your processing grouped by area_ID and _copynum (attribute from cloner)
If you want ot process data in overlapping area's you can spatial relate the area's first.
Then clone the area's which overlap 1 or more times.
Then you can do your processing grouped by area_ID and _copynum (attribute from cloner)
Thanks gio, i've attempted this but i'm not sure it will work. The overlapping data will have a _copynum value of 1,2.. etc but each internal non-overlapping part will always be 0, so the group by won't work. hope that makes sense
Thanks gio, i've attempted this but i'm not sure it will work. The overlapping data will have a _copynum value of 1,2.. etc but each internal non-overlapping part will always be 0, so the group by won't work. hope that makes sense
I wrote :
Group By on area_ID and _copynum.
Either concatenate them or use both attributes in the group by.
Latter is not always available on all transformers.
If you don't have an unique area id make one using a counter.
So group by is possible, in fact i do it all the time.
Also this question has been posted in various forms.
I would advice to use t he search function in this forum. Often this question is in relation to clippers, overlayers.
It always helps to post a sample data set, you get sample solutions pretty quick on this forum.
Thanks gio, i've attempted this but i'm not sure it will work. The overlapping data will have a _copynum value of 1,2.. etc but each internal non-overlapping part will always be 0, so the group by won't work. hope that makes sense
Thanks Gio, sorry i meant to include that this was using both area_id & copy_num.. The bit i was overlooking was the 'Generating List' parameter in the SpatialRelator so i could use ListExploder to get the other areas rather than clone. Thanks for sending me on the right path