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Why the PythonCall local polyconic reproject on LL27 gives incorrect results, but WGS84 give correct ones

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I have a pythoncaller that does a local polyconic reprojection. The orgin point  is (sur_long, sur_lat,z) = (-87.9960175,28.6407318,0.0) and the point to be reprojected to (lat,long,z)  is (xoffset,yoffset,zoffset) = (0.0,0.0,0.0).  Here is the pythoncaller code:



class myPythonFactory(object):


    def __init__(self):


        self.count_features = 0


        self.logger = pyfme.FMELogfile()




    def input(self,feature):


        uwi = str(feature.getAttribute('WELL_ID'))


        surf_lat = float(feature.getAttribute('SURF_LAT'))


        surf_long = float(feature.getAttribute('SURF_LONG'))


        x_offset = float(feature.getAttribute('XOFFSET'))


        y_offset = float(feature.getAttribute('YOFFSET'))


        z_depth = float(feature.getAttribute('TVD'))




        #myCSMan = pyfme.FMECoordSysManager() defined in startup python


        fmeParams['PARM1'] = str(surf_long)


        fmeParams['ORG_LAT'] = str(surf_lat)




        myfmeCS = myCSMan.defineCoordSys(fmeParams, "myfmeCS")




        pointF = pyfme.FMEFeature()








        pointF.addCoordinates([x_offset], [y_offset], [z_depth])




        pointF.performFunction("@Reproject(" + myfmeCS + ",LL27)")




        myCoords = pointF.getCoordinates()


        ll = myCoords[0]


        long = float(ll[0])


        lat = float(ll[1])


        z = float(ll[2])




        self.logger.log("surf_lat = " + str(surf_lat) + " surf_long = " + str(surf_long) +


                      " x_offset = " + str(x_offset) + " y_offset = " + str(y_offset) +


                      " z_depth = " + str(z_depth) + " lat = " + str(lat) +


                      " long = " + str(long) + " z = " + str(z))




        #set lat/long








        #self.logger.log('Processing uwi: ' + uwi)






    def close(self):


        self.logger.log('Total features processed: ' + str(self.count_features))



I would expect for this point, the result (long,lat) would be equal to (surf_long,surf_lat). But it is not. The results is



surf_lat = 28.6407318 surf_long = -87.9960175 x_offset = 0.0 y_offset = 0.0 z_depth = 0.0 lat = 28.6404917546 long = -87.9960290212 z = 0.0


 which is about 180 feett off what it should be. I also tried LL27-48 et al, the results are the same as LL27.



However, if I change LL27 to LL-WGS84, the resulting (long,lat) will be the exactly the same as (surf_long,surf_lat):


surf_lat = 28.6407318 surf_long = -87.9960175 x_offset = 0.0 y_offset = 0.0 z_depth = 0.0 lat = 28.6407318 long = -87.9960175 z = 0.0.



What I need to do to make LL27 reprojection correct?



Allen Guan


Nexen USA

2 replies

  • Author
  • Contributor
  • March 1, 2013
BTW, here are the actual results running with LL27. Look like a complex process which involved a shift:






FME Configuration: Using FME Reprojection Engine

Reprojector: Using datum conversion type `Wgs84ToNad83' when reprojecting from myfmeCS0 to LL27

Reprojector: Using datum conversion type `Nad83ToNad27' when reprojecting from myfmeCS0 to LL27

Reprojector:`Nad83ToNad27' will use the following grid shift files:

Reprojector: .\\GridData\\Canada\\ntv2_0.gsb,,,0.5

Reprojector: NADCON grid shift files for the US and its territories

Reprojector: The following fallback datum will be used `NAD27-48'

surf_lat = 28.6407318 surf_long = -87.9960175 x_offset = 0.0 y_offset = 0.0 z_depth = 0.0 lat = 28.6404917546 long = -87.9960290212 z = 0.0




  • Author
  • Contributor
  • March 1, 2013
I did more tests: if I transform the source (surf_long,surf_lat)  from LL27 to LL-WGS84 before it goes into the PythonCall reprojection, and then after the Pythoncaller reprojection, transform it back to LL27. The results are very close to to original (long,lat). I am happy with the results, but I wish I don't need to use these two extra AttributeReprojectors.



Allen Guan


Nexen USA


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