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Hi all,



just started using fme to do my raster processing and am thrilled with the quality and speed of the output. That said I can't seem to figure out a couple of things. Perhaps you all might be able to assist.



1) When I mosaic images and push into jp2, the empty areas end up black, is there a way to make the empty areas transparent?



2) Is there a way to produce prj files for my output images based on the output projection?
Hi Guido,


1) Those areas should be tagged with a NODATA value. If they aren't already then you should be able to set that with a RasterBandNodataSetter transformer. Then it's up to your viewing software to recognize them as NODATA and display them transparently.



2) You can create a TAB file for jp2, but not a prj. So, what you can do is use the CoordinateSystemExtractor to extract the coordinate system, then use that in a CoordinateSystemDescriptionConverter transformer to convert it to Esri WKT. Then I think you just need to write it out to a prj file (say with the AttributeFileWriter)



Hope this helps






Mark Ireland | Product Evangelist


Safe Software Inc.


Suite 2017, 7445-132nd Street, Surrey, BC, CANADA


T 604.501.9985 | F 604.501.9965


| Twitter @FMEEvangelist |


Just curious Mark, does that work (Question 1)?  I thought .jp2 was lossy compression, so in fact the balck areas aren't in fact "black (RGB of 0,0,0) but in fact close to it?  So therefore you cannot set it to NODATA.


I've had the same problem with any lossy compression (ECW, SID, JPG).


