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I have a set of tabluar data with attributes (X, Y, EPSG). Where the ESPG can be any valid coordinate system. My goal is to create a set of points in a common coordinate system.


I understand I could use a TestFilter for each EPSG I'm expecting then create points, but the workbench will fail if the data contains an EPSG code I didn't expect.


What is the best approach to create points in a single coordinate system without hard-coding the workbench for a set of expected coordinate systems?



Hi @miczat​ , you can convert EPSG code (integer number) to an appropriate FME coordinate system identifier with the CoordinateSystemDescriptionConverter transformer.

coordinatesystemdescriptionconverter-parametersYou can then set the resulting attribute (called "_newcoordsys" by default) to the Source Coordinate System parameter in subsequent CsmapReprojector.

Note the transformer will set an empty string to "_newcoordsys" if the input EPSG code is not supported by FME.

Thanks Takashi,  CoordinateSystemDescriptionConverter transformer supplied FME CRS for each EPSG code as _newcooordsys:

imageThen I used that in Reprojector to write out points in a single CRS


