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Firstly, yes I know that there are already answers regarding measuring points along lines, but trust me I've read them on here, and I'm still not getting an answer. So I'm clearly doing something wrong.

Ok, so I have a series of 3d points (recording x,y,z) as a shapefile. These all occur along a single line of section. I also have that line of section as a polyline shapefile. All I need to do is measure each point from the start of the line.

It "should" be easy, I'm sure of that. But I've tried all the ideas posted by people like @takashi and I still have no joy.

My setup so far is -

A reader for each shapefile (one point, one polyline), PointOnLineOverlayer, into a MeasuresGenerator then a MeasuresExtractor. But I get no measurements output.

You're help would be much appreciated.

Steve T

Typical, I post the question to my most annoying conundrum, and 1 hour later I crack it! For those that are interested I refined my workbench by:


Removing the geometry from my 3d shapefile of points, added a VertexCreator to add the X,Y back in, FeatureMerger by lineid and output a List, ListExploder, LengthtoPointCalculator, and finally recreated the VertexCreator which then has a measures attribute.





I believe in your description the order is wrong:

You need to generate the measures before the PointonLineOverlayer:

The result shows the measure on the point:
