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How to handle an IFC Property missing when reading the IFC file

  • 25 July 2024
  • 2 replies

Hello to all,

I have a problem with an IFC file where some IfcProperty are referenced by a propertySet but not defined. Then, I have a message like this : IFC: Could not find instance #245009 in the IFC file.

So, my question is to know if it is possible to say to FME to continue to read the file ?

Thank in advance

Best regards


2 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +3

Hi @bruno,

Thank you for the question!

I believe an easy fix to this issue could be to change your workspace parameters in the navigator window.

Workspace Parameters > Translation > Rejected Feature Handling.

Changing this parameter should allow the translation to continue.

I have also attached two similar community posts that may assist you:
How to handle when there are different custom properties for each IFC?
How to read custom IFC properties?

If you have further issues please reach out again and I can look into the issue further!

Thank you,


Badge +2

Hi Donal,

Thank for your answer. Finally, I asked my colleague to correct the IFC model because there was a process that removed the property without removing the associated relationship. The IFC model was therefore not correct. But I keep your answer in mind which can be very practical ;-)


Best regards


