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My windows HOMEPATH=\\Users\\"abc def" when i want to use File - Safe Data As in a FME Viewer there is an error File C:\\Users\\abc could not be opened

regards eduard

Hi Eduard

I tried saving some data to Shapefile from FME2017.0 and it worked OK. So can I ask...

1) What format of data are you trying to save? I think this might be the biggest problem.

2) Which version of FME are you using?

If it's an older version of FME, you might fix the issue by upgrading. If the format is a problem then I can file a PR to get it fixed, but in the meantime the only solution is to save your data to a different folder.

Can you perhaps show one or two screenshots?



Hello Mark


Saving to a different folder is not the solution because fme uses %APPDATA%/local/temp/etc....

The questions how do i tell fme not to use this, I defined c:\\fme_temp as tempdirectory already but it seems that this does not affect to viewer in 2012.



Just a general observation: If you have a space or special characters in your path necessitating quotes, then you should quote the entire path and not just the single folder name:

This is wrong:

HOMEPATH=\Users\"abc def"

This is right:

HOMEPATH="\Users\abc def"

Could that maybe be the issue here?

hello, the problem is that fme uses%APPDATA%/local/temp/...


the blanks are in %APPDATA% so fme cannot read the data it produced isself

Regards Eduard


Hi Eduard. Here's a demo movie of me saving data in the Data Inspector. Is this what you are talking about? I'm not clear. You should be able to change the output folder, and even if it saves via APPDATA then it should be OK (as you can see at the end of the video, checking tools > options shows you the data folder used, and mine has a space in the name yet does not fail)

Can you perhaps provide a movie or screenshot so we can see what you are seeing?

Also you can use that option to change the data path location if you think that would help.
