Hi Jamal,
I think it's related to coordinates systems issue, try to view the data in the FME Data Inspector and apply a coordinates system, see if this overcomes the issue.
Thanks Sami.
Correct. Opening the AutoCAD file from the “FME Data Inspector” shows the strange object there. In return, this object doesn’t appear in the AutoCAD file.
But how to apply coordinate system for this AutoCAD file?
By the way, the coordinate system is set in the workbench. Nevertheless, the strange object is generated.
What might be the issue here?
By the way, this is similar to other problem that I have highlighted in pervious thread.
An object that “FME Data Inspector” but doesn’t in the AutoCAD file
CAD file:
Ok, can you upload the same .dwg file but saved in a lower AutocCAD versions, 2010, or 2007
hi Jamal,
the object is generated because it is actualy in the autocad file.
There are different reasons why a object can become "invisible" in autocad.
Some assosciation is probably deleted in hte autocad file, messing things up a bit.
U need to clean it either in (preferably) autocad or via fme.
I would agree with Gio, the odd objects are read as an aggregate (group).
filtering them out would solve the issue.
Snapshot 1: How autoCAD sees the file ( snapshot resolution below may not show exisiting hatched areas clearly)..
Snapshot 2 : Filtering out the aggregate objects (odds).
Snapshot 3: Output as seen in FME Data inspector
Thank You GIO and Sami for the help.
Could you please Sami share the workbench that solves the issue of hatches?
Did you find how come the indicated objects appear in the FME but not on the AutoCAD in the “Halhul_Hebron_03_Landuse_02.dwg” file?
Sure, I shared the workspace with you.. you can find it in my Chatter section in the FMEPEdia
Thank you very much Sami,
The only new tool in the workbench that you have already shared is “TestFilter”. This command can introduce critical problems
Please, try to apply it in the CAD file:
I see,..now this is different, you need to filter out the features that are not participants in the polygons that you need..These scatted objects can be eliminated using a GeometryFilter transformer, I attached you an updated version of the workspace..
Also another trick it to disable the option Expand Blocks into Entities..See snapshots below.
Many thanks Sami for the massive efforts.
It works fine the Marda CAD file.
Now back to Ramallah. The modified workbench doesn’t correctly translate the AutoCAD file
That's weired, I ran the same script I shred with you for the three regions, and worked fine, with no missing features..see snapshots below
Many thanks Sami foe the help,
Could you please re-share the workbench by which you have already extracted these polygons from the AutoCAD hatches? I should have the same result if I apply the same workbench with same data.