I have a 2D polygon shapefile representing buildings. I want to determine the distance to and from each building. I have tested the neighborfinder and think that may be strategy however I tested one building as the candidate and all other buildings as the base. However I do not want to create separate building polygons to use and rerun the transformer a couple hundred times. Is there a way to use the full building set as both the candidate and base?
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- Set it to Candidates Only and feed all buildings as Candidates.
- Set NeighborFinder to generate Close Candidates list.
- Put a ListExploder downstream the NeighborFinder.
- Use two VertexCreators to draw the lines using closest_base_x/closest_base_y and closest_candidate_x/closest_candidate_y.
- Use a Matcher to remove duplicates. (From-to is the same as to-from.)