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I'm currently querying a Microsoft Access Database with a WHERE clause that is looking for the value of a user parameter, as I was not able to use the value of an attribute using @Value(attributename). 

First, is it possible an anyway to use the WHERE clause with an attribute value? If not, how do I set a user parameter value from an attribute set in the workspace?


I guess that using a FeatureReader instead of a plain reader is the solution.

You cannot use the value of an attribute in a reader. However there are several ways you can read you access database in the workflow without a reader depending on what you want to do. You can use the FeatureReader and set a where clause, you can use a Joiner or a SQLExecuter.



The FeatureReader is probably the simplest way to go.

I query access using where clause and an attribute value but not like@Value(attributename). I just say WHERE Clause: STATUS='Planned'. I'm not sure what way you need to query if it's more complicated I would also use the feature reader
