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Hi, i am looking for tool which convert DWG file to SHP file, each layer on DWG to shp file, does your tool do it? please advise how?

DWG file include different layers, each layer include different information which I am not familier with, please advise how to convert DWG file to several SHP (each shp is one layer from DWG)?

2 replies

  • Evangelist
  • July 26, 2018

Hi @rafi

Did you see this link?




Hi @rafi, Thanks for your interest in FME.

Yes, FME is definitely able to convert dwg file to shp files, with each layer as a separate shp file.

In the Q&A; danilo_fme pointed to is helpful.


Since you are new to FME, you can also follow our step by step tutorial. In this tutorial, we are converting between two other format, but the same steps can be used for converting DWG to shapefile, as you wanted. The tutorial will also introduce some other core functions of FME, so you can start taking advantage of them (for example you can inspect your source DWG data, if you want to get familiar with what it contains, using our Data Inspector).

One more thing to note about the dwg to shp conversion: Shapefiles only allow one type of geometry in each file (polygong, points, lines etc), while DWG allows mixed geometry types in each layer. This is why you might see, when you generate the workspace, each layer correspond to more than one Shp file, each with _point, _polygon etc, in the file names.


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