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Keep getting an error when reading a WMS (GetMap).

I have no problem adding the WMS reader to the canvas (selecting layers etc.), but as soon as I try to read the data I get an error:


'<WMS> Exception detected for the GetMap operation, requested Content-Type, 'image/jpeg', returned Content-Type, 'application/xml'.'


This is the WMS creating the error:


The layer is '2020_ortho25IR'. Does anyone know what is creating this error? Thanks.


FME desktop 2021.2, W10


5 replies


Not sure what you try exactly but it works for me, see the sample workspace attached.

I downloaded your script and ran it, but it keeps giving me the same error.

andriesnolles wrote:

I downloaded your script and ran it, but it keeps giving me the same error.

Strange. What version do you use exactly? I'm running 2021.2.2.0 (20220106 - Build 21806 - WIN64)

I'm running FME(R) 2021.2.0.0 (20211029 - Build 21784 - WIN64). Could it make a difference?

andriesnolles wrote:

I'm running FME(R) 2021.2.0.0 (20211029 - Build 21784 - WIN64). Could it make a difference?

Doubt it but only one way to find out. When I test with 2019.2.3.2 it wont work when I use the spatial filter, which renders it useless. 2022.1.1.0 works as well. Safe might have fixed something between the versions 2021.2.0.0 and 2021.2.2.0 but I can't find anything WMS related in the changelogs...


The weird thing is I initially had the same error as you report using 2021 but after fiddling around with output format and map srs settings in the FeatureReader it went away and now I can't reproduce the error.


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