I am using a SQLExecutor transformer to execute a large number of SQL queries (writing to a Sybase IQ DB via JDBC connection as a work around for the Sybase Writer that didn't work for my specific translation). I've found that not all of the features that are routed through the translation and should be written via the SQLExecutor are actually getting written. There is an error "java.sql.SQLException: JZ006: Caught IOException: com.sybase.jdbc4.jdbc.SybConnectionDeadException: JZ0C0: Connection is already closed.". I'm thinking that this is related to the "Query Timeout" default of 30 seconds. However I'd like to confirm this so when does the commit part of the SQLExecutor query actually happens. For instance if 30 features get routed to the SQLExecutor do each of those get written one by one or all in a batch at the end?
Thanks in advance to anyone who has any info on this!