Dear FME community,
I have a road dataset with lines that looks like this:VNKNNKVSTBSTLEN102010402005001000102010406008001000
The columns VNK/NNK are just identifiers for the road segment, the columns VST/BST are the measures (in metres) and the in column LEN is the value for the absolute length of one road.
The above table means, that one road segment 1020-1040 is divided into the segment from 200m - 500m (with a value for XYZ), and then from 600m -800m (with a different value for XYZ). The complete road goes from 0-1000 metres.
Problem: I need to fill the "invervalls" with Zero-Values. If the road has the length 1000 metres, then there are no values from 0-200, from 500-600 and from 800-1000. I can calculate the missing values from start (0-200) and the end (800-1000), but how do I get the interim value (500-600)? The could be many intervalls :-)
Goal: The target table should look like this (the bold lines were added):VNKNNKVSTBSTLEN10201040020010001020104020050010001020104050060010001020104060080010001020104080010001000
I already put these road segments into a list and calculated the ranges, but I would like to add the missing lines, not just the beginning/end. Any hints how this can be achieved?
Kind regards