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How to bring initial Reader back into LOOP?

  • November 16, 2016
  • 2 replies


Basically, I am adding a 50m buffer to a facility point (first reader) then using a spatial filter to see where population points (second reader) fall within that buffer With those population points I caluclate the sum for overall population in the buffer and then run through a tester to see if it is greater than a value. If it fails it loops back to Expression Evaluator and adds 50m to the buffer. However it is looping the future population points originally selected within the buffer and creating new buffers for ALL OF THEM. NOT what I want.

I created a Custom Transformer from Expression Evaluator through to Tester, then added a LOOP from the tester fail back to Expression Evaluator. The is the ONLY point I want to build a buffer around. It does not pass through after the first LOOP. What I would like to do is when the test fails, add another 50m to the buffer each time to that facility until the test passes. This is difficult when it only goes through the analysis once.Currently it is passing ALL the Future Population Points that fall within the buffers created (SpatialFilter) and fail the tester. They come through the LOOP so a number of points are having a new buffer added to them as opposed to just the YMCA I want to add 50m to each time until the Tester passes.As an aside, when the test passes (even though it is incorrect nothing seems to write to the Pass point file? Why is this?

2 replies

  • Author
  • November 16, 2016

Here is what it looks like ... loopissues.jpg. The custom transformer goes from Expression Evaluator to Tester Fail.

  • Supporter
  • November 16, 2016

just an idea... create multiple buffers (50,100,150,etc ) and calculate the pupolation values per buffer and then test to see if its the value from the first or second or third buffer that matches your criteria.

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