The strategy is:
- Read schema features from the source dataset.
- Modify data type name in the schema feature.
- Merge the schema feature (list attribute) to the data features.
- Configure the Dynamic Properties with "Destination Schema is Derived from List Attributes" method. (
(1) Add a Schema (Any Format) reader to the workspace, link its Dataset to the existing SDE reader's Dataset.
(2) The schema features have "attribute{}.fme_data_type" which contains FME generic data type names as its element. Here, replace every "fme_datetime" in the list with "fme_date". One possible way is to use a PythonCaller with this script, for example.
def processFeature(feature):
i = 0
while True:
attrName = 'attribute{%d}.fme_data_type' % i
t = feature.getAttribute(attrName)
if t == None:
if t == 'fme_datetime':
feature.setAttribute(attrName, 'fme_date')
i += 1
If you are not familiar with Python, you can also use a NullAttributeMapper instead.
Map: All Attributes
If Attribute Value Is:
<No Items Selected>
Or If Attribute Value Is: fme_datetime
Map To: New Value
New Value: fme_date
(3) Add a FeatureMerger; send the data features (from the existing SDE reader) to the Requestor port; send the modified schema features to the Supplier port.
Join On
Requestor: fme_feature_type
(expose in the reader)
Supplier: fme_feature_type_name
(note that it's not "fme_feature_type")
(4) Send the Merged features to the dynamic writer feature type, and configure the Dynamic Properties.
In FME 2015.1+:
Select "Schema from first feature" as the "Schema Sources".
In FME 2015.0 and earlier:
Add a NULL reader to the workspace as a Workspace Resource (Menu: Readers > Add Reader as Resource), and then select it as the "Schema Sources".
Hope this helps.