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Can FME read Multipoint-layers in ESRI Web Services?


I publish spatial data through a ESRI Map Service (with activated Data- and Query-operations, so that the features can be accessed. Although FME provides no Feader for that, the "Esri ArcGIS Server Feature Service"-Reader works. However, when I want to read a layer that has (intentionally) the geometry type "multipoint", I receive the following error message: "Python Exception <TypeError>: fmeobjects.FMEGeometry or None is required". When I query the data by using an internet browser, no problems occur. When I read a Map Service layer in FME with regular point-geometry, it works perfectly. I get the same error when I use ESRI Feature Services by the way and the usage of OGC Web Services is no option (I haven't tested that).

Thus, the question arises whether FME has a problem with Multipoints in ESRI Services? Or do I miss something? Is there another way to read the features from an ESRI Map Service in FME?




9 replies

  • Supporter
  • October 12, 2016
Do you have an example Multipoint Esri Rest Service that you can supply?



  • Supporter
  • October 14, 2016

Yes, I can confirm that I get the same thing (bug) when I tried to get multipoint geometries. I used this address as an example:

I also tried the workbench that I have to read esri rest services and it worked, although there where actually no multi-point geometries in that feed (i.e. it only has individual points in the multipoint service). Will put that workbench up in a few hours, as I can't do it right now. You will just need to test that it correctly creates a multipoint output on your data.

  • Supporter
  • October 14, 2016
Does this workbench work for you and are the multipoints correctly shown?






  • Supporter
  • October 14, 2016

Also just noted that the documentation for the esri arcgis rest server feature service, actually says that it doesn't support aggregate. Not sure why not, but it answers why there is the issue.


Hello! I wanted to confirm that I've been able to replicate that error message as well. We're going to investigate this further on this end. I'll post an update as soon I have some additional information on this error.

lauraatsafe wrote:

Hello! I wanted to confirm that I've been able to replicate that error message as well. We're going to investigate this further on this end. I'll post an update as soon I have some additional information on this error.

Update: Looks like the Reader in FME doesn't support Multipoint geometries yet. We'll be adding support for that soon. I'll post again as soon as that is complete.



  • Author
  • October 17, 2016

Hi! Thank you very much for your replies (and please forgive me my relayed answer)! Does that mean that support will be added for multipart geometry objects in FME 2017?

@todd_davis: I ran your workspace and received 10 non-multipart Points

@LauraAtSafe Is it possible to get put on a notification list for when support for multipoint geometry has been added?

Thank you,



Some good news on this: We have now added support for multipoint geometries in Esri feature services to FME. The update is available in the current FME 2017 beta (

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