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Can I force a translation to fail if violation of a Primary Key occurs when writing to SQL Server?


I'm calling a child Workspace using a WorkspaceRunner. The child Workspace says translation was successful as does the WorkspaceRunner, but when I reviewed the log for the child Workspace, I noticed there were warnings like this: "Provider error `(-2147217873) Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'xxxx'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'yyyy'". If this happens, I want the Workspace to fail/terminate. Is there a way I can do this? Would a FeatureWriter transformer rather than a normal Writer give me this functionality?

24 replies

  • September 20, 2018

Which writer format is this? Pure SQL Server or is there some ArcSDE in the mix as well?

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  • September 20, 2018
david_r wrote:

Which writer format is this? Pure SQL Server or is there some ArcSDE in the mix as well?

It's SQL Server Spatial, no ArcSDE involved.


  • September 20, 2018

There's a little known trick to catching almost any message in the FME log and to act on it, using the fmeobjects.FMELogFile callback method.

Try putting the following in the Python startup script:

import fmeobjects


def LogSkimmer(severity, text):
    if text.find('Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint') > -1:
        global AN_ERROR_OCCURRED
        AN_ERROR_OCCURRED = text


Then just before your SQL Server Spatial writer, insert a PythonCaller with the following code:

import fmeobjects

def detect_errors(feature):
        raise fmeobjects.FMEException(AN_ERROR_OCCURRED)

Let me know how that works for your case.

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  • September 20, 2018
david_r wrote:

There's a little known trick to catching almost any message in the FME log and to act on it, using the fmeobjects.FMELogFile callback method.

Try putting the following in the Python startup script:

import fmeobjects


def LogSkimmer(severity, text):
    if text.find('Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint') > -1:
        global AN_ERROR_OCCURRED
        AN_ERROR_OCCURRED = text


Then just before your SQL Server Spatial writer, insert a PythonCaller with the following code:

import fmeobjects

def detect_errors(feature):
        raise fmeobjects.FMEException(AN_ERROR_OCCURRED)

Let me know how that works for your case.

Thanks.  I'll give that a go.  You do realise having to fit another transformer in will upset my neatly aligned bookmarks! ;-)



  • September 20, 2018
tim_wood wrote:
Thanks. I'll give that a go. You do realise having to fit another transformer in will upset my neatly aligned bookmarks! ;-)



Sounds like you should check out the new collapsible bookmarks then ;-)

  • Contributor
  • September 20, 2018

If you set the transaction to a number, larger than the number of records you are inserting, the transaction will be rolled back by any database failure.

The log file will contain the message, returned by the database.

I am 100% sure this is how it works for Oracle, and more than 99% sure it works the same for SQL Server.

Hope this helps.

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  • September 20, 2018
david_r wrote:
Sounds like you should check out the new collapsible bookmarks then ;-)
I tried collapsing bookmarks and found that doing that removes all the vertexes on connections between bookmarks...



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  • September 20, 2018
erik_jan wrote:

If you set the transaction to a number, larger than the number of records you are inserting, the transaction will be rolled back by any database failure.

The log file will contain the message, returned by the database.

I am 100% sure this is how it works for Oracle, and more than 99% sure it works the same for SQL Server.

Hope this helps.

I'm not sure I completely understand that. Can you explain a bit more please?


  • Contributor
  • September 20, 2018

Use a sql executor to get all constraints (usually at begin of your script) Process them and make your data respect the constraints before trying to write it to the table(s).

Here is a oracle sql version

select search_condition,table_name


from user_constraints


where table_name =


and constraint_type ='C'Choose the constraint type you require. You might need to access all_constraints in stead of the user_constraints

  • September 20, 2018
gio wrote:

Use a sql executor to get all constraints (usually at begin of your script) Process them and make your data respect the constraints before trying to write it to the table(s).

Here is a oracle sql version

select search_condition,table_name


from user_constraints


where table_name =


and constraint_type ='C'Choose the constraint type you require. You might need to access all_constraints in stead of the user_constraints

It's a bit of an anti-pattern though, in my opinion, to check for primary key existence on the client side before writing to the database. Race conditions and such...

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  • September 20, 2018
gio wrote:

Use a sql executor to get all constraints (usually at begin of your script) Process them and make your data respect the constraints before trying to write it to the table(s).

Here is a oracle sql version

select search_condition,table_name


from user_constraints


where table_name =


and constraint_type ='C'Choose the constraint type you require. You might need to access all_constraints in stead of the user_constraints

Nice idea. I have some columns which can't have null values so that would help to validate those too, but it's very unlikely the input data will violate the no nulls constraints (how pessimistic should you be when writing a Workspace?!).



Your idea has got me thinking that I could put a DuplicateFilter in for the primary key attribute and connect the Duplicate port to a Terminator. The Python code option might make for a quicker translation though....



Plus the DuplicateFilter would only pick up features being processed, not conflicts with data already in the SQL table.


  • September 20, 2018
tim_wood wrote:
Nice idea. I have some columns which can't have null values so that would help to validate those too, but it's very unlikely the input data will violate the no nulls constraints (how pessimistic should you be when writing a Workspace?!).



Your idea has got me thinking that I could put a DuplicateFilter in for the primary key attribute and connect the Duplicate port to a Terminator. The Python code option might make for a quicker translation though....



Plus the DuplicateFilter would only pick up features being processed, not conflicts with data already in the SQL table.


If you have complete control over your table and you're absolutely sure about nobody else writing to the table while your FME is working, it should be ok. But generally I try to avoid stuff like this because of the asynchrone nature of databases; you never know what's going to happen to your data while your process runs.

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  • September 21, 2018
david_r wrote:

There's a little known trick to catching almost any message in the FME log and to act on it, using the fmeobjects.FMELogFile callback method.

Try putting the following in the Python startup script:

import fmeobjects


def LogSkimmer(severity, text):
    if text.find('Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint') > -1:
        global AN_ERROR_OCCURRED
        AN_ERROR_OCCURRED = text


Then just before your SQL Server Spatial writer, insert a PythonCaller with the following code:

import fmeobjects

def detect_errors(feature):
        raise fmeobjects.FMEException(AN_ERROR_OCCURRED)

Let me know how that works for your case.

Has it worked, or it is just that the Python has failed?



Also, it says 1 feature was written when it clearly wasn't.



2018-09-21 14:39:41|  4.0|  0.1|WARN  |Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Writer: Failed to write a feature of type `yyyy' to the database. Provider error `(-2147217873) Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'xxxx'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'yyyy'. The duplicate key value is (1234).'. SQL Command `DECLARE @WKB0 varbinary(max); SET @WKB0 = ?; DECLARE @SRID0 INTEGER; SET @SRID0 = ?; INSERT INTO yyyy ([field1], [field2], [etc]) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, CASE @WKB0 WHEN '' THEN NULL ELSE geometry::STGeomFromWKB(@WKB0,@SRID0) END)'




2018-09-21 14:39:41|  4.0|  0.0|ERROR |Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Writer: Failed to write a feature of type `yyyy' to the database. Provider error `(-2147217873) Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'xxxx'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'yyyy'. The duplicate key value is (1234).'. SQL Command `DECLARE @WKB0 varbinary(max); SET @WKB0 = ?; DECLARE @SRID0 INTEGER; SET @SRID0 = ?; INSERT INTO yyyy ([field1], [field2], [etc]) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, CASE @WKB0 WHEN '' THEN NULL ELSE geometry::STGeomFromWKB(@WKB0,@SRID0) END)'


2018-09-21 14:39:41|  4.0|  0.0|ERROR |Error encountered while calling function `detect_errors'


2018-09-21 14:39:41|  4.0|  0.0|FATAL |PythonCaller(PythonFactory): PythonFactory failed to process feature


2018-09-21 14:39:41|  4.0|  0.0|ERROR |A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details


2018-09-21 14:39:41|  4.0|  0.0|ERROR |


2018-09-21 14:39:41|  4.0|  0.0|INFORM|Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Writer: Closing `zzzz' . Write operation complete


2018-09-21 14:39:41|  4.0|  0.0|INFORM|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


2018-09-21 14:39:41|  4.0|  0.0|INFORM|Feature output statistics for `MSSQL_SPATIAL' writer using keyword `MSSQL_SPATIAL_2':


2018-09-21 14:39:41|  4.0|  0.0|STATS |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


2018-09-21 14:39:41|  4.0|  0.0|STATS |  Features Written


2018-09-21 14:39:41|  4.0|  0.0|STATS |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


2018-09-21 14:39:41|  4.0|  0.0|STATS |yyyy  1


2018-09-21 14:39:41|  4.0|  0.0|STATS |==============================================================================


2018-09-21 14:39:41|  4.0|  0.0|STATS |Total Features Written 


  • September 21, 2018
tim_wood wrote:
Has it worked, or it is just that the Python has failed?



Also, it says 1 feature was written when it clearly wasn't.



2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.1|WARN |Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Writer: Failed to write a feature of type `yyyy' to the database. Provider error `(-2147217873) Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'xxxx'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'yyyy'. The duplicate key value is (1234).'. SQL Command `DECLARE @WKB0 varbinary(max); SET @WKB0 = ?; DECLARE @SRID0 INTEGER; SET @SRID0 = ?; INSERT INTO yyyy ([field1], [field2], [etc]) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, CASE @WKB0 WHEN '' THEN NULL ELSE geometry::STGeomFromWKB(@WKB0,@SRID0) END)'




2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.0|ERROR |Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Writer: Failed to write a feature of type `yyyy' to the database. Provider error `(-2147217873) Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'xxxx'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'yyyy'. The duplicate key value is (1234).'. SQL Command `DECLARE @WKB0 varbinary(max); SET @WKB0 = ?; DECLARE @SRID0 INTEGER; SET @SRID0 = ?; INSERT INTO yyyy ([field1], [field2], [etc]) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, CASE @WKB0 WHEN '' THEN NULL ELSE geometry::STGeomFromWKB(@WKB0,@SRID0) END)'


2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.0|ERROR |Error encountered while calling function `detect_errors'


2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.0|FATAL |PythonCaller(PythonFactory): PythonFactory failed to process feature


2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.0|ERROR |A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details


2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.0|ERROR |


2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.0|INFORM|Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Writer: Closing `zzzz' . Write operation complete


2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.0|INFORM|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.0|INFORM|Feature output statistics for `MSSQL_SPATIAL' writer using keyword `MSSQL_SPATIAL_2':


2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.0|STATS |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.0|STATS | Features Written


2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.0|STATS |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.0|STATS |yyyy 1


2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.0|STATS |==============================================================================


2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.0|STATS |Total Features Written


Looks like it worked, but what does the last line of the log say? SUCCESSFUL or FAILED? I would expect it to say that the translation FAILED.


Since we're basically overriding the default FME termination behavior, I'm not too surprised that the "total features written" isn't quite correct.

  • September 21, 2018
tim_wood wrote:
Has it worked, or it is just that the Python has failed?



Also, it says 1 feature was written when it clearly wasn't.



2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.1|WARN |Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Writer: Failed to write a feature of type `yyyy' to the database. Provider error `(-2147217873) Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'xxxx'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'yyyy'. The duplicate key value is (1234).'. SQL Command `DECLARE @WKB0 varbinary(max); SET @WKB0 = ?; DECLARE @SRID0 INTEGER; SET @SRID0 = ?; INSERT INTO yyyy ([field1], [field2], [etc]) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, CASE @WKB0 WHEN '' THEN NULL ELSE geometry::STGeomFromWKB(@WKB0,@SRID0) END)'




2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.0|ERROR |Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Writer: Failed to write a feature of type `yyyy' to the database. Provider error `(-2147217873) Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'xxxx'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'yyyy'. The duplicate key value is (1234).'. SQL Command `DECLARE @WKB0 varbinary(max); SET @WKB0 = ?; DECLARE @SRID0 INTEGER; SET @SRID0 = ?; INSERT INTO yyyy ([field1], [field2], [etc]) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, CASE @WKB0 WHEN '' THEN NULL ELSE geometry::STGeomFromWKB(@WKB0,@SRID0) END)'


2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.0|ERROR |Error encountered while calling function `detect_errors'


2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.0|FATAL |PythonCaller(PythonFactory): PythonFactory failed to process feature


2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.0|ERROR |A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details


2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.0|ERROR |


2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.0|INFORM|Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Writer: Closing `zzzz' . Write operation complete


2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.0|INFORM|=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.0|INFORM|Feature output statistics for `MSSQL_SPATIAL' writer using keyword `MSSQL_SPATIAL_2':


2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.0|STATS |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.0|STATS | Features Written


2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.0|STATS |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-


2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.0|STATS |yyyy 1


2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.0|STATS |==============================================================================


2018-09-21 14:39:41| 4.0| 0.0|STATS |Total Features Written


To add: what we're seeing in the log above is that first there's a WARN about the primary key, followed by an ERROR with the exact same message. The WARN comes from the writer, the ERROR comes from the Python script which basically escalated the WARN to an ERROR. The ERROR is what makes FME terminate the translation.

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  • September 21, 2018
david_r wrote:
Looks like it worked, but what does the last line of the log say? SUCCESSFUL or FAILED? I would expect it to say that the translation FAILED.


Since we're basically overriding the default FME termination behavior, I'm not too surprised that the "total features written" isn't quite correct.
Sorry - should have included that line. Yes it says...


A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details Program Terminating


Translation FAILED.



Regarding features written, it's not the overriding of FME behaviour that's the issue. If I run the translation without the Python, FME still says it's written the features, even though they all failed to write to the SQL Server table because of a Primary Key violation. I know we're talking semantics about what "written" means here, but I would argue that if it's not written, it's not written! I'm less decided about whether some features violating a Primary Key constraint but not others should constitute a successful or failed translation...


  • September 21, 2018
tim_wood wrote:
Sorry - should have included that line. Yes it says...


A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details Program Terminating


Translation FAILED.



Regarding features written, it's not the overriding of FME behaviour that's the issue. If I run the translation without the Python, FME still says it's written the features, even though they all failed to write to the SQL Server table because of a Primary Key violation. I know we're talking semantics about what "written" means here, but I would argue that if it's not written, it's not written! I'm less decided about whether some features violating a Primary Key constraint but not others should constitute a successful or failed translation...


Indeed, it's getting close to being about semantics. The issue is that FME has "decided" that the feature was written even when it didn't, that's why the features written is wrong. I would not disagree if you would call that a bug...


Out of curiosity, what happens if you use a FeatureWriter? Does the offending feature exit the <Rejected> port?

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  • September 21, 2018
tim_wood wrote:
Sorry - should have included that line. Yes it says...


A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details Program Terminating


Translation FAILED.



Regarding features written, it's not the overriding of FME behaviour that's the issue. If I run the translation without the Python, FME still says it's written the features, even though they all failed to write to the SQL Server table because of a Primary Key violation. I know we're talking semantics about what "written" means here, but I would argue that if it's not written, it's not written! I'm less decided about whether some features violating a Primary Key constraint but not others should constitute a successful or failed translation...


I've not used FeatureWriter before so I might have missed something in configuring it, but it doesn't appear to offer a Rejected port.


  • September 21, 2018
tim_wood wrote:
I've not used FeatureWriter before so I might have missed something in configuring it, but it doesn't appear to offer a Rejected port.


You're right, I seem to have confused it with the SQLExecutor. Too bad, it would've been very helpful.

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  • September 21, 2018
tim_wood wrote:
Sorry - should have included that line. Yes it says...


A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details Program Terminating


Translation FAILED.



Regarding features written, it's not the overriding of FME behaviour that's the issue. If I run the translation without the Python, FME still says it's written the features, even though they all failed to write to the SQL Server table because of a Primary Key violation. I know we're talking semantics about what "written" means here, but I would argue that if it's not written, it's not written! I'm less decided about whether some features violating a Primary Key constraint but not others should constitute a successful or failed translation...


I've raised the features "written" as a possible bug. I'll leave you to decide whether to submit an idea for a Rejected port on the FeatureWriter :-)


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  • October 8, 2018
david_r wrote:

There's a little known trick to catching almost any message in the FME log and to act on it, using the fmeobjects.FMELogFile callback method.

Try putting the following in the Python startup script:

import fmeobjects


def LogSkimmer(severity, text):
    if text.find('Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint') > -1:
        global AN_ERROR_OCCURRED
        AN_ERROR_OCCURRED = text


Then just before your SQL Server Spatial writer, insert a PythonCaller with the following code:

import fmeobjects

def detect_errors(feature):
        raise fmeobjects.FMEException(AN_ERROR_OCCURRED)

Let me know how that works for your case.

Me again.  I have now replaced my Writers with FeatureWriters and have noticed this line appearing in the translation log:


2018-10-08 11:58:17|  18.8|  0.0|INFORM|Optional `close' method not present; not called


I've looked this up and read a couple of forum topics about it but I'm not sure I completely understand what's going on.  I assume it has something to do with the fact that a Writer is the end of a translation whereas the translation can continue after a FeatureWriter.  It doesn't look as though anything bad is happening, but is there something I need to add to the Python script as best practice?



BTW, this is for a successful translation.  I haven't yet tested whether Primary Key violations still terminate the translation.


  • October 8, 2018
tim_wood wrote:
Me again.  I have now replaced my Writers with FeatureWriters and have noticed this line appearing in the translation log:


2018-10-08 11:58:17|  18.8|  0.0|INFORM|Optional `close' method not present; not called


I've looked this up and read a couple of forum topics about it but I'm not sure I completely understand what's going on.  I assume it has something to do with the fact that a Writer is the end of a translation whereas the translation can continue after a FeatureWriter.  It doesn't look as though anything bad is happening, but is there something I need to add to the Python script as best practice?



BTW, this is for a successful translation.  I haven't yet tested whether Primary Key violations still terminate the translation.


Is it possible that you're tweaked the code above to have a class definition rather than a function definition?


The log message seems to indicate that you have a class method that's missing the close() method. This is nothing to worry about, it's just for information. You can also get rid of the messge by adding the following method to your class definition:


    def close(self):

  • Author
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  • October 8, 2018
david_r wrote:
Is it possible that you're tweaked the code above to have a class definition rather than a function definition?


The log message seems to indicate that you have a class method that's missing the close() method. This is nothing to worry about, it's just for information. You can also get rid of the messge by adding the following method to your class definition:


    def close(self):
Thanks.  I've added those lines after the existing code as shown below.  How do I know if it's a Function or a Class?  I've read the help page but it doesn't really help!  Is it something to do with "Class or Function to Process Features"?



  • October 8, 2018
tim_wood wrote:
Thanks. I've added those lines after the existing code as shown below. How do I know if it's a Function or a Class? I've read the help page but it doesn't really help! Is it something to do with "Class or Function to Process Features"?


You're using a function to process your features, and therefore you don't need the two last lines. They will never be called, so you can just remove them again.



Regarding the line in the job log about the optional 'close' method not being present, you can safely ignore that.


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