I want to use FME-server as endpoint for sensordata (senML). This sensordata is posted from the sensors to our server with JSON as body.
I created a workspace which is comparable with the posts as described in these posts and everyting related to this
- https://knowledge.safe.com/articles/1295/send-source-data-to-fme-server-with-http-post.html
- https://knowledge.safe.com/questions/35741/how-do-you-initiate-a-job-submitter-service-via-ht.html
The last URL also contains my question from earlier today, but I got advised to create a new topic.
In short my workspace contains:
- a textfile reader with the setting 'read the whole file at once'
- some transformers to interprete the json
- postgis writer
The workspace works perfectly when running from my computer with FME workbench.
I uploaded the workspace to FME-server, using the jobsubmitter as service and in the settings of the service I pointed to the reader (Send HTTP Message Body to Reader)
I'm using Postman to test posting the data. My http post contains the required headers and token certification, so this is no issue. In my FME-server job I can see that it is trying to run the job. But when checking the logfile, I get the following error:
Text File Reader: Source dataset 'P:\Projecten\Nijmegen\Nijmegen BMON
Ontzorging VSMS 301474\4. FME\SampleJson.txt' does not exist
Posted data (body which is an exact copy of the contents of my textfile-reader)
"type": "SenMLPackPayload",
"senMLPack": [
"bn": "urn:dev:com.sensoterra:18000167260",
"bt": 1532089461
"n": "soilmoisture",
"u": "%vol",
"v": 11.4,
"depth": 15
So, to conclude; although I think I followed all the steps, FME-server
still tries to read the original file-data instead of the body/content
of the HTML POST.
Is there anyone who know why this is happening?
Some extra information:
- POST is allowed according to the CORS-settings
- I tried yesterday using FME 2018.0 and today using the brandnew 2018.1
- I tried changing the original reader to a filereader to see if this makes any difference
- In the final situation the data is posted to our server by another party. So I'm not able to influence the content of the post. (So I cannot change the content of the json to an workspace-parameter/attribute)