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Shapefile Attribut gets mysteriously to many characters, can't join or merge


I'm trying to join a Shapefile to another table, but it fails.

The joining attribute(encoded: utf-8) has value "41400562015" but during the prozessing it becomes "41400562015????????????????????????"

I tried to change the attributetype of both fields into different types, including integer or varchar (12) - but the resulting string is still longer than 12 digits?... I also tried to calculate the string (left 12) into a new attribut or to use the trim-funktion. Nothing works?

not to be misleading: the original connection attribute on both sides is a textstring like "BT-4209-0001-2018". No blancs.

But the joining failed and i detected something like

"BT-4209-0001-2018 ___________ " with empty spaces at the end

Because the connection with strings did not work, i changed it into numbers, so joining in FeatureMerger or InlineJoiner should be .

(I have done the same connections thousands of times, these

difficulties with shapes are only occurring sometimes and are quite new (FME2017)

3 replies

  • Contributor
  • April 13, 2018

Hi @chrishoh Please send us your workspace and some sample data via Thanks!

  • Author
  • April 18, 2018

seems to be an issue with the dBase-tables. Some shapes work, some don't. When exporting these non-working shapes into new shapes in ArcGIS - these new shapes will work. But I cannot detect any change in the attributformats.

strange, stupid old dbase-tables....

  • Contributor
  • April 18, 2018

remove non utf8 characters?

Or remove tabs with stringreplacer.


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