Hi @dewan
there might be two possible causes of this problem:
- maybe the source data is not in UTF-8 and when you set the Shape Reader Character Encoding to UTF-8 the Reader interprets the data incorrectly
please inspect your your source data with Data Inspector, set the Shape Reader Characters Encoding to UTF-8 and confirm that the data does look OK;
if the data looks garbled please try to set the Reader Character encoding to <nothing> to let the Reader get the encoding information from the data (if available);
- maybe your Shape Writer has an incorrect Character Encoding setting
by default, the Shape Writer Character Encoding is set to SYSTEM which means system locale default encoding - this will work if your system locale is set to Korean(Korea);
you might want to set the Writer Character Encoding to <nothing> to let the Writer preserve the encoding as is.
If these steps do not help please follow up with support@safe.com as @daleatsafe suggested above.