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Issue with FME Add Reader- not showing the spatial column in Oracle table in FME

Hi all,

we are in the process of evaluating the FME tool for one of our proposal to the client. since I am new to FME, I just downloaded FME trail version and tried to generate some easy report using Oracle Database spatial tables as source. here i tested with one oracle geospatial table which has one sdo_geometry column 'Coordinates' so i have used oracle spatial object reader type and selected the above table but it did not show the Coordinates column rest all it showed - can you please let me know how to get this column in reader table? and am i using the right type of oracle spatial category?

4 replies

  • February 9, 2016


Have a look at this topic from yesterday, the same applies here:

In short, what you're describing is normal. Try connecting an Inspector transformer to your reader and run the workspace. The geometries should be visible in the Inspector window.

And yes, the Oracle Spatial Object is most likely the correct reader, unless your Oracle instance is very (very) old.


Hi David,

thanks alot for the quick reply, but i do have some more questions on this.

I have to perform some operations on the Coordinates column if it doesn't show in work space then how to perform the operations on it internally and also i want that column in my output csv file as well, how to achieve this?

and also as you said , i have connected to Inspector transformation but i am not able to see the coordinates column. can you please help me,

Many Thanks in Advance.

  • Contributor
  • February 12, 2016

try CoordinateExtractor (gives you _x,_y and _z attributes)

  • Safer
  • February 16, 2016

Hi @kiranmaiinfosys

If "Coordinates" is the name of the geometry column, then you don't need to see it in FME Workbench. A feature in FME is made up of geometry and attributes. You'll see the attributes but the geometry is sort of assumed. But there are lots of transformers that will operate on that geometry, even if you don't see the column name.

I hope that helps. If you need more assistance, please feel free to contact our support team ( and ask for an online meeting/demo if you need us to cover any particular pieces of functionality,



Mark Ireland

Product Evangelist

Safe Software Inc.


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