We have hundreds of mappings we execute via command line. We have implemented standards regarding the use of source, destination, and logging user parms.
We started our 2024 migration and found a bug while trying to pass in our --LOG_FILE parm from the cmnd line (fme ...fmw --LOG_FILE xxx).
The workspace will not execute and throws this error:
ERROR : Unable to open log file `X:\...\FME\X_\...\Log\mapping_name.log'
ERROR : The preceding error has occurred during FME logfile setup
For some reason, in 2024 it is always prefixing the log location with the location of the fme workspace.
The only workaround I found to get the log file to write in our desired location was to eliminate the --LOG_FILE parm and use LOG_FILENAME instead.
I have opened a ticket with Safe and have not heard anything back. Having to modify hundreds of workspace executions is a show stopper.