I have a problem with the fmerest/v3/transformations/submit service and I hope someone can help me. I have a very simple worflow set up in my fme-server process.
Creator -> FMEServerEmailGenerator -> TextFileWriter
I have set up Topic and Subscription as described and configured my FMEServerEmailGenerator with the right topic.
Now I can invoke my process over fme-server gui successfully but if I do it via rest, I dont receive an email anymore. From my understanding the email configuration should be done by the transformer in this case, so sending my necessary published parameters should be enougth:
But somehow its not. In my results under request data I'm missing notification manager directives sections. So I had to google because I didn't found an example on this in the api docs (run process with notification).
Now I added
into my rest body abd now I receive an email but all settings of my FMEServerEmailGenerator are missing like template and title -> empty mail.
Can someone please help me? I'm loosing to much time on this.
Thank you