I have a 2016 workspace that I'm upgrading to 2021.2.5.
The basic workflow is SQLExecutor -> GeometryReplacer -> Clipper with an AOI -> FileGDB.
What comes out of the DB is the geodb_type which helps to determine features get routed either the polyline or annotation feature class. GeometryReplacer is used to convert from WKT so that features can be clipped with the AOI.
From SQLExecutor, geodb_type has values (geodb_polyline, geodb_arc, geodb_annotation), but when it comes out of GeometryReplacer, geodb_type values are all missing. So after clipping, everything gets routed to the polyline fc, which will produce this error: "Cannot write a non-linear feature to a polyline feature class." [geometryreplacer_geodb_type.png]
My workaround is to use GeometryFilter to route the features + a new AttributeCreator to hard-code geodb_type values to ensure the right features are created in FileGDB, rather than rely on geodb_type values. [geometryfilter.png]
I've tried to insert completely new transformers with no impact. I made a wks from scratch and that works. [geometryreplacer_works.png] So there must be something else I'm missing that displacing geodb_type values.