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how to select 10% heighest points of a point cloud (for each plot)

  • July 29, 2013
  • 1 reply




Is it possible to select 10% of highest points of a point cloud?


It's a bit more complicataed: Each point belongs to a plot. And I want to keep only 10% of points to each plot. Only if there is more that 10 points in a plot.


For each point I have: ID_plot, ID_point, x, y, z



Is it possible ? If yes how?




1 reply

  • Contributor
  • July 29, 2013



A possible solution is: 1) Calculate the number of points for each plot, add the result to each point (StatisticsCalculator: Group By = ID_plot, use COMPLETE port). * For points whose number is greater than 10, continue to followings. 2) Calculate 10% of the number (ExpressionEvaluator or AttributeCreator). 3) Sort points by descending order of z value (Sorter). 4) Count points for each plot (Counter: Counter Name = ID_plot). 5) Select first 10% points for each plot (Tester: count < 10% of the number).



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