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ResourceManager: Optimizing Memory Usage. Please wait...


Good afternoon.

I am running a series of workbenched (FME 2014) and these workbenches typically take 20 minutes to run. They have been running fine until a recent oracle patch and it is now causing my workbenches to hang continually until I cancel them through the FME Server UI.

The error is: ResourceManager: Optimizing Memory Usage. Please wait...

I would appreciate any ideas, although I have tried the following:

Purge logs

Restarted FME server

Check all DB accounts being used

4 replies

  • January 8, 2016


Have you looked at this knowledge base article?


  • Safer
  • January 8, 2016

Do you get the same problem if you simply run the workspaces through Workbench (i.e. in Desktop not Server). That's always a good step to try, to confirm whether it's a general issue or specific to Server. I must say I can't see why an Oracle patch would cause FME to suddenly go into memory overdrive - but if it did I would expect it to be a general issue and not just Server.

  • Contributor
  • January 8, 2016

If anything changed to the TEMP directory you could have a look at this article:

Changes in TEMP directories or having less space in the TEMP directory can also cause memory resource issues.

  • January 8, 2016

As Mark says, it is very odd that an Oracle patch would affect FME. Unless your FME Engine is also running on your Oracle Server and FME & Oracle are now competing for resources. As Mark suggests, test your workspace on FME Desktop - are you still getting resource issues? Find out what else may have changed on your system outside of the Oracle patch

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