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How to iterate a location based selection and process the selected data after each iteration?

  • December 21, 2018
  • 1 reply


sorry for the confusing title.

I have two regular polygon grids consisting of different sized squares with the same x-y origin.

Grid 1 consists of 4km x 4km squares and grid 2 consists of 1km x1km squares. Thus 1 tile from grid 1 contains exactly 16 squares of grid 2. Think Matrix of ever decreasing resolution.

Each little square contains a file name in an attribute row. I need to run a process(combine point cloud) on the 16 file names contained within each selected large square.


How do I set up the select-iteration mechanism?

1 reply

  • Safer
  • December 22, 2018

Hi @robertdbuckley

You could try an AreaOnAreaOverlayer with Accumulation Mode (set as 'Merge Incoming Attributes'), then use an Aggregator to Group By Grid 1's unique identifier (set 'Merge Incoming Attributes' and your file name attribute as attributes to concatenate with comma as the separator character).

This should create an attribute for that you can feed into the dataset parameter with a WorkspaceRunner.

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