i would like to ask ,
after i read my data from reader .
i have around 8 reader and i would like the first reader that reads polygon to start processing through some transformers and stop when it reachs clipper
but i found after it reads the data ,it did not pass through the first transformer and the workspace continues reading the data from another readers and after all readers finish ,it comes bk to continue work on this reader for polygon .
what i would like exactly,i need to extract the data from the first reader and continues till it reaches clipper and wait another data .
because,i think that clipper is working at end of my workspace so it takes too much time to process .
i read some articles about runtime order but i think it is only working for creators that has no input if i understood correct but if i have transformer with input .How could i let this transformer work before another path .
as featuremerger and clipper
i hope , i can get solution for my problem .
i have another question relates to clipper ,when i u se clipper by polygon and lines i found i got two lines for the same id ,bcs the line intersects with polygon and it has node on the polygon but i would like to have only one single id when the line cross the polygon . what should i do ?
FME version 2018
Thanks in advance