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ARCGISONLINE MetadataOverwritter


I get the following error when I feed XML as an attribute from the XML updater. Reading in an XML file is no issue though.

This FME edition does not recognize the `' function. Please ensure that the current platform supports this function, the function name is spelled correctly, and that you have installed all required plug-ins


Best answer by siennaatsafe

@babar_ali99​ ,


The ArcGIS Online Metadata Overwriter wasn't originally designed to work with an attribute. However, I just updated so it should be able to handle an attribute. Try it out by upgrading the transformer. The image below shows how to do that from the navigater panel.2023-07-21_11-38-12 

You'll have to set the XML Input paramete to Attribute, then select your attribute in the XML Source parameter. However, then it should work. Please let me know if you have any issues.



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6 replies


Hi @babar_ali99​ ,


Would you mind providing the XML you are using and the version of FME?

  • Author
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  • July 19, 2023
siennaatsafe wrote:

Hi @babar_ali99​ ,


Would you mind providing the XML you are using and the version of FME?

HI Sienna,

I am using the following version

FME(R) 2022.1.2.0 (20220831 - Build 22627 - WIN64) 

I can't provide the full XML because of sensitivity of the data. I can provide a portion of the XML below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<metadata xml:lang="en">








<imsContentType export="False">002</imsContentType>

<itemName Sync="FALSE">AustralianMarineParks_sort</itemName>


<westBL Sync="TRUE">70.717024</westBL>

<eastBL Sync="TRUE">170.366667</eastBL>

<southBL Sync="TRUE">-58.449470</southBL>

<northBL Sync="TRUE">-8.473407</northBL>

<exTypeCode Sync="TRUE">1</exTypeCode>




<type Sync="TRUE">Geographic</type>

<geogcsn Sync="TRUE">GCS_GDA_1994</geogcsn>

<csUnits Sync="TRUE">Angular Unit: Degree (0.017453)</csUnits>

<peXml Sync="TRUE">&lt;GeographicCoordinateSystem xsi:type='typens:GeographicCoordinateSystem' xmlns:xsi='' xmlns:xs='' xmlns:typens=''&gt;&lt;WKT&gt;GEOGCS[&amp;quot;GCS_GDA_1994&amp;quot;,DATUM[&amp;quot;D_GDA_1994&amp;quot;,SPHEROID[&amp;quot;GRS_1980&amp;quot;,6378137.0,298.257222101]],PRIMEM[&amp;quot;Greenwich&amp;quot;,0.0],UNIT[&amp;quot;Degree&amp;quot;,0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY[&amp;quot;EPSG&amp;quot;,4283]]&lt;/WKT&gt;&lt;XOrigin&gt;-400&lt;/XOrigin&gt;&lt;YOrigin&gt;-400&lt;/YOrigin&gt;&lt;XYScale&gt;2226389776.5071998&lt;/XYScale&gt;&lt;ZOrigin&gt;0&lt;/ZOrigin&gt;&lt;ZScale&gt;1&lt;/ZScale&gt;&lt;MOrigin&gt;0&lt;/MOrigin&gt;&lt;MScale&gt;1&lt;/MScale&gt;&lt;XYTolerance&gt;8.9831530000000104e-10&lt;/XYTolerance&gt;&lt;ZTolerance&gt;0.001&lt;/ZTolerance&gt;&lt;MTolerance&gt;0.001&lt;/MTolerance&gt;&lt;HighPrecision&gt;true&lt;/HighPrecision&gt;&lt;LeftLongitude&gt;-180&lt;/LeftLongitude&gt;&lt;WKID&gt;4283&lt;/WKID&gt;&lt;LatestWKID&gt;4283&lt;/LatestWKID&gt;&lt;/GeographicCoordinateSystem&gt;</peXml>















<languageCode Sync="TRUE" value="eng"></languageCode>

<countryCode Sync="TRUE" value="AUS"></countryCode>



<CharSetCd Sync="TRUE" value="004"></CharSetCd>



<ScopeCd Sync="TRUE" value="005"></ScopeCd>


<mdHrLvName Sync="TRUE">dataset</mdHrLvName>




Hi @babar_ali99 ,


Are you feeding an attribute directly into the ArcGISOnlineMetadataOverwriter?


It's expecting a file, could you try writing out the XML using the AttributeFileWriter, then set up the ArcGIS Online Metadata Overwriter to upload that file? 2023-07-20_09-15-102023-07-20_09-19-11 copy 

If that isn't the issue would you mind creating a support case?


  • Author
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  • July 21, 2023
siennaatsafe wrote:

Hi @babar_ali99 ,


Are you feeding an attribute directly into the ArcGISOnlineMetadataOverwriter?


It's expecting a file, could you try writing out the XML using the AttributeFileWriter, then set up the ArcGIS Online Metadata Overwriter to upload that file? 2023-07-20_09-15-102023-07-20_09-19-11 copy 

If that isn't the issue would you mind creating a support case?


Yes I am feeding the attribute directly just like you showed. and yes it works if I upload the XML. But I want to feed the attribute directly it directly.

  • Safer
  • Best Answer
  • July 21, 2023

@babar_ali99​ ,


The ArcGIS Online Metadata Overwriter wasn't originally designed to work with an attribute. However, I just updated so it should be able to handle an attribute. Try it out by upgrading the transformer. The image below shows how to do that from the navigater panel.2023-07-21_11-38-12 

You'll have to set the XML Input paramete to Attribute, then select your attribute in the XML Source parameter. However, then it should work. Please let me know if you have any issues.



  • Author
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  • July 24, 2023
siennaatsafe wrote:

@babar_ali99​ ,


The ArcGIS Online Metadata Overwriter wasn't originally designed to work with an attribute. However, I just updated so it should be able to handle an attribute. Try it out by upgrading the transformer. The image below shows how to do that from the navigater panel.2023-07-21_11-38-12 

You'll have to set the XML Input paramete to Attribute, then select your attribute in the XML Source parameter. However, then it should work. Please let me know if you have any issues.



Thank you for updating the transformer. it worked :)

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