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Why are my ESRI ArcPro Custom Transformations options not recognized in FME 2022.1.3.

  • November 28, 2022
  • 7 replies


I'm seeing in my FME 2022.1.3 Esri Reprojector that my ArcPro 3.0.2 customtransformations installed at %appdata%\\ArcGISPro\\ArcToolbox\\CustomTransformations are not recognized. This wasn't the case in FME v2018/2020/2021. Is anyone else having the same issue? This happens even if I place the same transformation file in <FME_HOME>\\Reproject\\EsriPEGridData\\customTransformation.

Best answer by danminneyatsaf

gis_midwest wrote:

Hi Danminney. Lets try a zip file then to get you gtf file.

@gis_midwest​ After some testing there are a few of things to note.

  • The EsriReprojector did have issues detecting custom transformations in FME 2022.1.3, so we suggest upgrading to FME 2022.2 or newer to resolve this issue. I've just tested this again, and it looks like you can continue using FME 2022.1.3 with the custom transformations if you like! They just require the renaming steps I mentioned below.
  • After testing, I've found that the reason your custom projection isn't showing is because the start of the name matches an existing Geographic Transformation called "NAD_1983_To_NAD_1983_CSRS_4". Please try renaming your custom transformation to something else such as "1983NAD_To_1983NAD_CSRS_4" and then it should appear in the EsriReprojector.
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Hi @gis_midwest​ sounds like this could be a bug with FME 2022.1.3 as it should be able to detect the file installed in either of the folders you mentioned.

If you're able to share the .gtf file I'd like to test this out and confirm it's a bug and get the issue resolved.

  • Author
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  • December 7, 2022

Hi danminney.


I've tried to attach my gtf file here but it says I cannot with the message. "You can only upload these file types: gif, png, jpg, jpeg, zip, tar.gz, pdf, txt, fmw, fmwt, kml, htm, bat, xlsx, dgn, tiff, mp4, tcl, py, tif, xml, laz, dwg, fmx, csv, json, xls, kmz, pptx, dem, dwf, fsproject, log". You could simply go into ArcPro toolbox and create one placing it in your C:\\Users\\<user>\\AppData\\Roaming\\ESRI\\ArcGISPro\\ArcToolbox\\CustomTransformations folder and then check to see if the esri reprojector sees it or not.


Again I'me placed my gtf file in the <FME_HOME>\\Reproject\\EsriPEGridData\\customTransformation folder as well.

  • Author
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  • December 7, 2022

Hi Danminney. Lets try a zip file then to get you gtf file.

  • Safer
  • Best Answer
  • December 12, 2022
gis_midwest wrote:

Hi Danminney. Lets try a zip file then to get you gtf file.

@gis_midwest​ After some testing there are a few of things to note.

  • The EsriReprojector did have issues detecting custom transformations in FME 2022.1.3, so we suggest upgrading to FME 2022.2 or newer to resolve this issue. I've just tested this again, and it looks like you can continue using FME 2022.1.3 with the custom transformations if you like! They just require the renaming steps I mentioned below.
  • After testing, I've found that the reason your custom projection isn't showing is because the start of the name matches an existing Geographic Transformation called "NAD_1983_To_NAD_1983_CSRS_4". Please try renaming your custom transformation to something else such as "1983NAD_To_1983NAD_CSRS_4" and then it should appear in the EsriReprojector.

  • Author
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  • December 14, 2022

Hi Dan.

I was able to build the custom transformations files in ArcPro. What we were also finding is that the new custom transformation files were not visible in ArcPro either. Following your advice I added an "MSI_" prefix to my filename and it shows up in ArcPro and FME now! Curious why that is a requirement?? This is a big relief for us here. Thanks so much for revealing this solution for us!

gis_midwest wrote:

Hi Dan.

I was able to build the custom transformations files in ArcPro. What we were also finding is that the new custom transformation files were not visible in ArcPro either. Following your advice I added an "MSI_" prefix to my filename and it shows up in ArcPro and FME now! Curious why that is a requirement?? This is a big relief for us here. Thanks so much for revealing this solution for us!

I believe the naming issue is related to a known restriction of the Esri Projection Engine (Esri PE) - which the EsriReprojector uses.


The Esri PE prohibits custom transformations that share the exact same name as the built-in Esri ones. In this case, NAD_1983_To_NAD_1983_CSRS_v4_9_BC_mainland already exists and is part of the default Esri library, but it is used for a different transformation. This is why when we add a custom transformation that has the same name as an existing one, it doesn't show up. This also explains why adding a prefix to the custom transformation resolves this issue.


With the following parameters I can see the NAD_1983_To_NAD_1983_CSRS_v4_9_BC_mainland geographic transformation.


  • Author
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  • December 22, 2022

Thanks for the explanation Dan! I think we were under the assumption that this was a straight Nad83 to CSRS transformation but clearly it is CSRS_v4 in BC.


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