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403 Forbidden Error When Making FME Server Request FME server 2018.

  • September 20, 2018
  • 9 replies


'HTTP / 1.1 403 Forbidden' from Error

For a few months I have been able to work with two workbenches that retrieve data from within the network and outside the network. but suddenly I encountered the following problem for both my workbenches in FME server 2018. The message that I get: Received HTTP response header: 'HTTP / 1.1 403 Forbidden' from When I make a request in IE or Chrome I get a message back.


With FME desktop I have no problem.

I tried to fill in the token from FME server without result.

HTTP/FTP Transfer: Downloading resource ';=GetCapabilities&VERSION;=1.1.0' to local file 'C:\\Windows\\TEMP\\fmeengines\\localhost_Engine2\\WFSCapability_1537424370349_6088.xml' HTTP transfer summary - status code: 403, download size: '1559 bytes', DNS lookup time: '1e-6 seconds', total transfer time: '0.39 seconds', url: ';=GetCapabilities&VERSION;=1.1.0' Received HTTP response header: 'HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden' from ';=GetCapabilities&VERSION;=1.1.0' <WFS> HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden - Unable to fetch the capabilities document: ';=GetCapabilities&VERSION;=1.1.0' A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details


Kind regards,



Kerwin Ebben

9 replies

Hi @kerwin, thanks for your question!


Would you be able to send the log file from both a failed and successful run? Have you ever had success running the job in FME Server? Or only in FME Desktop or a web browser? Are you using a web connection or does the request require any authentication?






  • Contributor
  • September 21, 2018

Hi @kerwin,


I clicked on the links and I have received the same error

The 403 Forbidden Error is an 

HTTP response status code
, which indicates that the identified client does not have proper authorization to access to the requested content.


1. Try to regenerate your token, perhaps it has expired.

2. If this is your domain , perhaps you should check with the system administrator if they did not change your credentials somewhere.

3. If not, then try to reset your passwords.

4. Look into your firewall, try to switch it off, run your workbench 

Hope this helps.


  • Author
  • September 24, 2018

I still dont get a results with workbenches


what I have already tried



disabled firewall


removed internet history


changed user account


regenarated token


tried other browsers

  • Author
  • September 24, 2018

here is the log of 2 different workbenches that doesn't work with FME server.

the first log is data that I want to retrieve from the internet.

The second log is data in the domain


Both workbenches have worked with FME server

FME Configuration: Process limit is 8.00 GB of physical memory FME Configuration: Start freeing memory when process usage exceeds 24.00 GB of virtual memory FME Configuration: Stop freeing memory when process usage is below 18.00 GB of virtual memory Creating writer for format: Creating reader for format: WFS (Web Feature Service) Trying to find a DYNAMIC plugin for reader named `WFS' Loaded module 'WFS' from file 'C:\\Program Files\\FMEServer\\Server\\fme\\plugins/WFS.dll' FME API version of module 'WFS' matches current internal version (3.8 20180209) <WFS> Capabilities URL: `;=GetCapabilities&VERSION;=1.1.0' HTTP/FTP Transfer: Downloading resource ';=GetCapabilities&VERSION;=1.1.0' to local file 'C:\\Windows\\TEMP\\fmeengines\\localhost_Engine1\\WFSCapability_153777784646_3128.xml' HTTP transfer summary - status code: 403, download size: '1559 bytes', DNS lookup time: '1e-6 seconds', total transfer time: '0.156 seconds', url: ';=GetCapabilities&VERSION;=1.1.0' Received HTTP response header: 'HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden' from ';=GetCapabilities&VERSION;=1.1.0' <WFS> HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden - Unable to fetch the capabilities document: ';=GetCapabilities&VERSION;=1.1.0' A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details Translation FAILED with 3 error(s) and 0 warning(s) (0 feature(s) output) FME Session Duration: 1.6 seconds. (CPU: 0.3s user, 0.3s system) END - ProcessID: 3128, peak process memory usage: 36504 kB, current process memory usage: 36504 kB

Loaded module 'ociunk_geomedia' from file 'C:\\Program Files\\FMEServer\\Server\\fme\\plugins/ociunk_geomedia.dll' The ORACLE number of the FME coordinate system 'Netherlands-RDNew-2008' is '28992' FME Configuration: Source coordinate system for reader ORACLE_SPATIAL_1[ORACLE_SPATIAL] set to `Netherlands-RDNew-2008' as read from input data Coordinate System `Netherlands-RDNew-2008' parameters: CS_NAME=`Netherlands-RDNew-2008' DESC_NM=`Netherlands, Amersfoort RD 2008 datum, New System' DT_NAME=`Amersfoort-RD-2008' GROUP=`EUROPE' MAP_SCL=`1' ORG_LAT=`52.15616055555556' ORG_LNG=`5.387638888888889' PROJ=`OSTERO' QUAD=`1' SCL_RED=`0.9999079' SOURCE=`Kadaster' UNIT=`METER' X_OFF=`155000' Y_OFF=`463000' HTTPCaller(HTTPFactory): HTTP/FTP Transfer: Downloading resource '' to internal memory buffer HTTPCaller(HTTPFactory): HTTP transfer summary - status code: 403, download size: '4722 bytes', DNS lookup time: '0.016 seconds', total transfer time: '0.016 seconds', url: '' HTTPCaller(HTTPFactory): Received HTTP response header: 'HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden' from '' Column `SHAPE' of table `DAMO_WK.SLUIS' has been chosen to hold the geometry ORACLE Reader: Executing SQL Statement `SELECT "DAMO_WK"."SLUIS"."OBJECTID", "DAMO_WK"."SLUIS"."SE_ANNO_CAD_DATA", "DAMO_WK"."SLUIS"."CODE", "DAMO_WK"."SLUIS"."NAAM", "DAMO_WK"."SLUIS"."STATUSLEGGERWATERSYSTEEM", "DAMO_WK"."SLUIS"."STATUSLEGGERWATERVEILIGHEID", "DAMO_WK"."SLUIS"."STATUSOBJECT", "DAMO_WK"."SLUIS"."HYPERLINK", "DAMO_WK"."SLUIS"."OPMERKING", "DAMO_WK"."SLUIS"."TYPEWATERKERENDECONSTRUCTIE", "DAMO_WK"."SLUIS"."DOORVAARTBREEDTE", "DAMO_WK"."SLUIS"."INDICATIEWATERKEREND", "DAMO_WK"."SLUIS"."BREEDTE", "DAMO_WK"."SLUIS"."CATEGORIE", "DAMO_WK"."SLUIS"."KERENDEHOOGTE", "DAMO_WK"."SLUIS"."SIGNALERINGSPEIL

  • Author
  • September 24, 2018
Hi @NathanAtSafe



I have send the logs.


no I do not need authentication. I just use a web connection.



You need a Client Certificate to authenticate and use the service. See the error message in the browser when connecting from an incognito window:

Geachte gebruiker,

U mag deze pagina helaas niet bezoeken. Controleer alstublieft of u de correcte login gegevens heeft ingevoerd en of het client certificaat correct is. Neem contact op met uw applicatie-beheerder of met onze helpdesk, telefonisch onder xxx of via e-mail aan xxx

My guess is that the certificate on fmeserver is outdated?

  • September 24, 2018

The error comes from the WMS server, so you'll need to know why your server isn't allowed to access it. In other words, the error is not related to FME Server as such, but from the access control mechanism on the WMS server.

It seems that the WMS server in question requires that an SSL client certificate be installed on the FME Server machine. It may already be installed on your local PC, which would explain why the workspace is ok from your machine and not from the server. You'll probably have to contact the WMS server admin to obtain the necessary certificate.

Also, FME Server can be a bit particular about how and where the certificate is installed, depending on the reader or transformer you're using, so that is something we'd need to know as well.

  • Contributor
  • September 26, 2018
mygis wrote:

Hi @kerwin,


I clicked on the links and I have received the same error

The 403 Forbidden Error is an 

HTTP response status code
, which indicates that the identified client does not have proper authorization to access to the requested content.


1. Try to regenerate your token, perhaps it has expired.

2. If this is your domain , perhaps you should check with the system administrator if they did not change your credentials somewhere.

3. If not, then try to reset your passwords.

4. Look into your firewall, try to switch it off, run your workbench 

Hope this helps.


1. May I know which software is serving the WFS ?


2. Does the website belong to you or is it an external website?


3. Have you tried accessing the WFS data using a third party desktop software?



  • Author
  • September 26, 2018

I have put FME server on another server and the problem is now fixed.


I also looked at the certificates, but I could not detect any errors here.


Soon I will look at the problem again with system administration.


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