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Enable "help" of a custom format

  • March 12, 2019
  • 1 reply


In FME Workbench, we can see the "help" of Transformers or Formats when clicking on it. But, it does not work for my part for the custom formats although there is a description inside the custom format : Format Parameters > Description > Help . Is there a specific procedure to follow or maybe it is not possible ?

Thank you.

1 reply


Hi @rbomme,

Thanks for bringing this up! It doesn't look like the Help in workbench is connected to the custom format description in FME Hub at the moment. I've raised an issue with our team to see if that's something we can add (FMEHUB-879) and I'll let you know when that gets addressed. For now, you may just have to refer to the documentation from the FME Hub, sorry for the inconvenience!

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