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FME Server Engine Python Module - ModuleNotFoundError




Our FME Server infrastructure is deployed in AWS on Docker, Core is running on dedicated EC2 with docker and engines are running on docker + EC2 which starts as users start the job.


I have a user who has a workflow that uses python script. We followed the documentation and asked the user to upload the module to Resource>Engine>Plugins>Python FOlder. After uploading the module user is still facing the error. I am suspecting this is related to the path where the module is and where the script is looking for the module. Most likely, I am not the first one to encounter this but I could not find any documentation or community post with examples that can help us solve this situation.


Any pointers?


Thank you in advance.






5 replies


Hmm, I have a few custom modules in our FME Server (2020.0). I've put them directly into the

Resource>Engine>Plugins>Python Folder like you mentioned.


For example:




The folder should be part of the python path. If you want to debug you could have the user run a workspace which logs the python path variable. This should give you an idea on if it's included or not.



  • Author
  • March 31, 2022
virtualcitymatt wrote:

Hmm, I have a few custom modules in our FME Server (2020.0). I've put them directly into the

Resource>Engine>Plugins>Python Folder like you mentioned.


For example:




The folder should be part of the python path. If you want to debug you could have the user run a workspace which logs the python path variable. This should give you an idea on if it's included or not.



Can you please share what is the import line for the boto3 module workspace python script has? Is it absolute path to module or just module name?

namanpatel wrote:

Can you please share what is the import line for the boto3 module workspace python script has? Is it absolute path to module or just module name?

just the module name


import boto3

  • Author
  • March 31, 2022
namanpatel wrote:

Can you please share what is the import line for the boto3 module workspace python script has? Is it absolute path to module or just module name?

What do you have configured as path on engine and core servers?

  • Author
  • March 31, 2022
namanpatel wrote:

Can you please share what is the import line for the boto3 module workspace python script has? Is it absolute path to module or just module name?

I mean do you have plug-in folder in the path environment variable?

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