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Undefined macro `VALUE_ATTR_ALIAS'


when running my workbench the translation failed. I get the the following message: "

Starting translation...

Undefined macro `VALUE_ATTR_ALIAS' dereferenced in file `C:\\Users\\myPC\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\2\\wb_template_1448871318470_1968\\wb-xlate-1448874512179_1968'

Program Terminating."

Does anybody know how to handle this issue?

Thanks Kathrin.

3 replies

  • Contributor
  • December 1, 2015

Definitely a bug of some kind. Can you visit our support form and send in the workspace and the full log and we'll take a look. Sorry about this one.

  • Contributor
  • December 3, 2015

This mostly happens when u reference a parameter wich at that point has not been created yet.

I encountered this error before, and it always was due to malstructered script.

If i'm not mistaken, you can get this using variable setters and readers.

I suggest checking the structure of your script.

  • Contributor
  • December 6, 2015


I encountered the issue this afternoon as I was tinkering with python code written by someone else. It turned out that in the commented-out sections, there were references to the offending variables in the form of $(my_var). I guess even though the references are commented out in python code, FME interpreter still treats $(my_var) as a special variable or parameter.

I removed the "$(" and the workspace worked now.

Hope this helps.


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