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I changed the owner of a scheduled job to a specific user. UserName shows the previous owner.


When I query the schedules using the REST API (...fmerest/v3/schedules?...) The json returned gives the specified user I changed it to but the userName value is the previous owner. Does this indicate that the job is running under the account of the previous owner? How can I make the userName show the new owner account?

3 replies


Hi @bibold​ ,


Sorry you're running into this issue. I tested changing ownership of a schedule from one user to another and was able to see the change successfully in both the FME Server Web UI and REST API response body. I tested this in FME Server 2021.1.2 b21627. Can you tell me what version/build you're using so that I can try and reproduce this issue? If you could share some screenshots as well that would be helpful.






  • Author
  • May 25, 2022

Hi Zezia,

Sorry I left that out - I am using 2020.1 but I did figure this out from this post:

The schedule is owned by my user and when I republish the workbench it will then run as that user. I am good to move forward now.

Thanks for your help!


  • Contributor
  • May 29, 2024

Looking at the article @ bibold linked, it says, “The FME Flow Schedules will run as the user who last edited regardless of the owner”. Does this mean the last user who published the workspace or the last user who edited the schedule settings?


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