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FME Weekly Quiz: December (2) Results (Don Murray)


Hi FME'ers,

Well, here are the quiz answers for this week. I think Don posed more of a challenge than Dale did last week. You would have needed a perfect score to beat him. Did you do that?

First, the answers...


1) What is the name of the site for publishing and sharing FME functionality such as templates, transformers, and web services?

  • FME User Central
  • FME Online
  • The FME Store
  • The FME Hub
  • FMEpedia

It's the FME Hub:

At one time it did used to be called The FME Store, and this community itself has been called FMEpedia and FME User Central at one time (in fact and will both lead you to this site).

FME Online sounds like fun, but has never been a thing, as far as I'm aware.

Don's Answer: The FME Hub (Correct)

2) Which of these actors is the odd one out?

  • Eric Bana
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Peter O'Toole
  • Tim Robbins
  • Anne Hathaway

Don's Answer: Anne Hathaway (Correct)

I know Don is a bit of a movie buff, but I think this one was a pure guess on his part. Anne Hathaway is the odd one out here. She is the only one of these actors to.... well, I'm wondering if the 16 folk who got this right knew or just guessed.

So bonus points to the first person to answer below exactly why she is different to the rest!

3) The menubar in FME Workbench starts with the options File, Edit, View. What are the next three?

  • Readers, Transformers, Writers
  • Readers, Writers, Transformers
  • Transformers, Readers, Writers
  • Readers/Writers, Transformers, Run
  • Run, Forrest, Run

The answer is Readers, Transformers, Writers:

You should have gotten this, if for no other reason than I'd hope you have FME at hand to check. Don wasn't allowed that luxury, but despite being more of a Server man, than Desktop, still got this correct. He remembered that the order is the same as these elements appear in a workspace: Readers - Transformers - Writers.

Don's Answer: Readers, Transformers, Writers (Correct)

4) FME build numbers are in the form 12345, where "12" is the release year. For example, the release build for 2017 was 17259; for 2019 it was 19238. But it didn't always use to be like this. Which FME version was the last to break this pattern?

  • 2002
  • 2005
  • 2007
  • 2011
  • 2018

It was 2011, which released as build 6501. After that FME2012 started counting from 12000, with a release was build of 12212, and the rest is history. You can find the full list of release builds here:

I don't know what we'll do in the year 2100 (build 100000?), but I doubt I'll be around to worry about it!

Don's Answer: 2011 (Correct)

5) What flag structure would you use to get the standard FME datetime format?

  • YmdHMS (FME)
  • Y-m-dTH:M:S (ISO)
  • Y:m:d H:M:S (Exif and SQL)
  • Y/m/dTHMS
  • B e(th),Y,l:M p Z (Training course listings)

It's YmdHMS, although our transformers will also recognize the ISO format of dates too:

Above the user is converting to Exif format, which is also a common SQL standard too I believe. The fourth option was one I made up, and the final option is how training courses are listed on our web site:

Don's Answer: YmdHMS (Correct)

6) I've led FME training in a number of cities around the world. Here's a photo taken from the window of a training room on one particular course. Where is it?

  • Denver, CO, USA
  • Gavle, Sweden
  • Southampton, UK
  • Calgary, AB, Canada
  • Kyoto, Japan

The answer was Calgary, AB, Canada. To be honest I've sadly never been to Gavle or Kyoto, let alone trained there, but I figured they were good possible answers to include.

Here's the picture (in it's full 2005 resolution in case you want to examine it for clues you missed, or to find Waldo/Wally!)

No-one picked Southampton, in case you were wondering.

Don's Answer: Gavle (Incorrect)


So, Don got a very good 5/6. Good job for you all he got the last question wrong, else no-one would have been able to beat him. Let's see how you all did...

Here's the general info

  • Quiz Week: 9 (Dec 9/2019)
  • Number of Entries: 34 (I think this is a record, you all really did want to try beat Don)
  • Best Score: 6
  • Worst Score: 1
  • Average Score: 4.15
  • Easiest Question: 1 (34)
  • Hardest Question: 6 (12)

Ha! This week the "impossible" question was the hardest. Got you! And literally everyone got question 1 correct (another record). But of the 33 entries, how many beat Don?

  • Beat Don: 5
  • Equalled Don: 9
  • Were Beaten by Don: 19

I'd actually say that only 4 people beat Don. I'm very suspicious that user test got 4/6 and - less than a minute later - user test2 got 6/6! So the winners are @allwin, @srg, @redgeographics, and @peterlaulund

Well done to those users but, regardless, I can very easily declare Don to be the winner here! Well done.

The challenge score is now Users 1 Safers 1. I think they'll be time for just one more quiz in December, so we'll say that is the deciding challenge!

Full Score List:

Best answer by redgeographics

Anne Hathaway is the odd one out because the other actors have appeared in movies whose titles are also names of FME transformers (Schwarzenegger in Terminator, Eric Bana in Chopper, Peter O'Toole in Creator and for the moment I can't seem to find the one for Tim Robbins...)
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11 replies

  • Contributor
  • December 11, 2019

Answer on 2) She is the only female.

  • Celebrity
  • Best Answer
  • December 11, 2019
Anne Hathaway is the odd one out because the other actors have appeared in movies whose titles are also names of FME transformers (Schwarzenegger in Terminator, Eric Bana in Chopper, Peter O'Toole in Creator and for the moment I can't seem to find the one for Tim Robbins...)

redgeographics wrote:
Anne Hathaway is the odd one out because the other actors have appeared in movies whose titles are also names of FME transformers (Schwarzenegger in Terminator, Eric Bana in Chopper, Peter O'Toole in Creator and for the moment I can't seem to find the one for Tim Robbins...)

oops, double post due to a site hiccup. Anyway, Tim Robbins starred in The Player.

  • Author
  • Safer
  • December 11, 2019
redgeographics wrote:
Anne Hathaway is the odd one out because the other actors have appeared in movies whose titles are also names of FME transformers (Schwarzenegger in Terminator, Eric Bana in Chopper, Peter O'Toole in Creator and for the moment I can't seem to find the one for Tim Robbins...)

Excellent work!

  • Author
  • Safer
  • December 11, 2019
erik_jan wrote:

Answer on 2) She is the only female.

That's why Don chose her too - but I was trying to be more sneaky than that!

  • Enthusiast
  • December 11, 2019

About your suspicious user, would that be possible to get the IP of the users filling the quiz with FME Desktop or Server?

You store the IP somewhere and you integrate a Tester somewhere into your process, so an IP can not fill the quiz two times.

  • Author
  • Safer
  • December 11, 2019
philippeb wrote:

About your suspicious user, would that be possible to get the IP of the users filling the quiz with FME Desktop or Server?

You store the IP somewhere and you integrate a Tester somewhere into your process, so an IP can not fill the quiz two times.

It might be possible, but then multiple users at the same organization might not be able to take part. What would be really great is if I could autopopulate the username from their login, but I haven't got the skills for that right now.

  • Enthusiast
  • December 11, 2019
mark2atsafe wrote:

It might be possible, but then multiple users at the same organization might not be able to take part. What would be really great is if I could autopopulate the username from their login, but I haven't got the skills for that right now.

If you find out how to make the auto population I'm very interested to learn how!

  • Author
  • Safer
  • December 11, 2019
philippeb wrote:

If you find out how to make the auto population I'm very interested to learn how!

Basically it's implementing single sign on, and passing authentication info between different apps that you own. I'm told I would need to add a piece of code to the page, which I couldn't do with Server apps (which have limited customization), and it would need to be on a specific domain. For me, I'd need to create a custom quiz web page - on - to handle this scenario, which I'm not really inclined to do right now.

An alternative might be to use Cookies to save the username. It wouldn't force the user to match their Community username, and they could wipe the cookie from their computer to enter multiple times, but it would be something.

  • Contributor
  • December 12, 2019
mark2atsafe wrote:

That's why Don chose her too - but I was trying to be more sneaky than that!

So apparently I completely channeled @donatsafe not only did we answer all the questions the same (including the same wrong answer), our logic was also the same.

Should I be worried?

  • Enthusiast
  • December 15, 2019

I believe I was overthinking Question 2. I selected the only actor without a double letter in their name. Therefore Eric Bana.

Not even close.


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