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Out-of-the-box, FME Flow has an admin login for administration (member of fmeadmin and fmesuperuser).

As a measure of added security, can a different, less common, login name be used for administration? In other words, if I were to create a login for administration purpose named MickeyMouse, add MickeyMouse to fmeadmin and fmesuperuser roles, and disable admin, does that work? Are there gotcha’s with doing that? Is it a measure of added security?

If you have a sufficiently strong password, it shouldn’t really be an issue.

You can create new accounts and assign them the same permissions as the admin account. You wont be able to disable the admin account when you’re logged in as it. So create the new account(s) then login as them and disable the admin account.

I always err on the side of caution and create two admin accounts during a setup, in case one of the passwords is lost/changed, then you still have administration access to the server.

Totally agree with ​@hkingsbury here. I’d recommend having at least one admin account with a generic name and email-address that gets shared by multiple people (and set up your password reset!) so you can always get access to it. Note that some of the features require a superuser account, but an admin can, if the default security settings are used, promote themselves to superuser.

A few years ago we were contacted by a client who had inherited an FME Server from his predecessor with zero documentation. He didn’t even know the admin password. This was before the install procedure forces you to change the default password at the first login, but this install dated from before that so we could tell him “from a security point of view this really shouldn’t work, but try admin/admin”.

It worked!
