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I upgraded FME Desktop from 2011sp4 to 2014.



When I choose an Esri MDB as a reader the geodb_subtype_name is not found.


I have checked the Additional Attrubutes but its not in the list.


However it shows the geodb_subtype_name data when I look at it in the Data Inspector.



Same machine I've been using for over 2 years with Esri Runtime and FME Desktop2011.



Any thoughts








I just confirmed this behavior in FME 2014 build 14230.



Seems like a bug, you should contact Safe support so they can fix it.






I agree it seems a bug. As a meantime workaround, maybe the AttributeExposer can be used to expose the attribute name.



Hi All,


Just wanted to confirm this is an issue in FME 2014 Release.  We have resolved this in beta 2014 SP1 b14238 or higher and in the beta FME 2015 b15025 or higher.  Thanks for your patience!
