***Note from Migration:***
Original Title was: Add option to string function 'ReplaceRegEx(str, regExp, newStr, [caseSensitive])' on what value to return in case no matches are found (similar to the option in the equivalent stringreplacer transformer)
I hope the title is self explanatory. Today I was using the string function 'ReplaceRegEx(str, regExp, newStr, [caseSensitive])', and found out that in case no match is found by the regExp, the 'newStr' is set to 'str'.
To start, I think it would be nice if a description on the behaviour of this function in case no matches are found, could be added to the string function documentation.In the equivalent stringreplacer transformer it is possible to specify a value in case the attribute value does not contain the text/regex, by using the option 'Set Attribute Value To'. It would be nice if this option can also be added to the string function (as an optional parameter?).