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Cache HTTPCaller DNS Lookup result

Related products:Transformers


We're increasing usage of HTTPCaller to interact with on-premise enterprise system APIs (mainly Cityworks). In reviewing some of the job logs for Automations that contain HTTPCaller transformers, I notice repeated messages like this:

HTTP transfer summary - status code: 200, download size: '1061 bytes', DNS lookup time: '2.5e-5 seconds', total transfer time: '0.135342 seconds'

While that lookup time is marginal (0.000025 seconds), in a workspace where 10K or more features pass through, it adds a bit of overhead and seems to make redundant DNS lookups (I can't think of a situation at the moment where the HTTPCaller will hit different servers in the same flow of data). Would it be possible to cache the DNS lookup when the first feature passes through and just use the cached value for subsequent features? Or if for some reason there would be switching of servers, cache the unique servers DNS results and use them as appropriate?

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