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What's Up Wednesday (2-Mar-2022): Academy Updates, Launch Webinars, Sweden on the Hub, and a new Contest to Pick FME's Favourite Transformer.


Hello FMEers


FME Academy Updates

In case you missed the announcement, there are a number of useful updates to the FME training academy that may be of interest to you.


New modules include:

  • Read From and Write To Multiple Locations
  • Improve Data Quality by Handling Null and Missing Values
  • Build a Shared Library of Custom Transformers


These are part of the new Build Advanced Workflows trail. I count 11 trails so far, each with different modules:



And don't forget, online FME training materials are free of charge to use.


FME Hub Updates

The Hub Monthly Digest is a must-read if you are Swedish since most of the new items relate to Swedish formats.


There is a web connection for the Nationella Geodataplattformen (NGP) and several transformers for the Digital Twin Cities Centre (DTCC). The DTCC project seems to be about modelling urban environments to assist in real-world planning and design.



It looks like a series of projects, actually, so I'm really happy to see FME functionality may play a part in that. I suspect it is probably of relevance outside of Sweden too. Click the link above to check out their website.


Besides those, we have a new web connection for the Infor ION API, plus a CodedDomainGDB transformer, which seems to turn attributes into coded-domains ready to write to Geodatabase.


Incidentally, I'm trying to learn Swedish and the course I'm taking had me learn "mannen och kvinnan har flera elefanter" - which translates as "the man and the woman have several elephants". Now I'm wondering if it's common for people in Sweden to own pet elephants!


Upcoming Events

So with FME 2022 soon to be released (I don't know when exactly, but soon) there are two upcoming events that I want to share.


The first is the official 2022 "reveal" webinar, which takes place on March 8th at 8am PST.



I say "official" because obviously, I've been running some sneak peek sessions for a while now!


The second event is especially for the FME Community... it's FME's Favourite Transformer!



From Monday 7th March (7am PST) and for the whole of the month, I'm running a bracket voting contest to determine FME's favourite transformer. Community members vote in a series of matchups and the winning transformer goes through to the next round.


Do you remember I ran a "favourite transformer" poll earlier this year? That poll helped me pick the 32 transformers taking part. And if you submitted your name in that poll I selected you to be the official cheerleader for one of your favourites!


See the FME Community announcement for full information.


User News

Congratulations to Eric Armitage for achieving his FME Certified Professional accreditation.



It was awarded on 22-2-22 to make it even more special! I also noticed a bunch of other users certified yesterday including Arvin de la Cruz in New Zealand. Congratulations to him and to all of the rest of you.


I also wanted to mention Bruce Harold's latest blog post on Building a Data Driven Organization, which uses Data Interoperability/FME tools to create CSV files to define User Parameters.



Basically, you create complex tree-based, published parameters by writing the list of items to a CSV file using the correct structure. Then you use the Import tool in the Parameter Definitions window. It's a neat idea. Go check it out.


JSON Attributes Parameterized

I tried my hand at a user question last week, and it didn't turn out that great. Parameterizing an Attributes to Expose parameter really isn't a viable prospect. But, if the intention is just to get those attributes into the output, then the SchemaScanner transformer can be a big help...



If you have a few minutes, it's worth watching that video I think. I show how the SchemaScanner can be used to identify incoming attributes, which are then kept/removed according to user input. The trick is exploding the schema apart and then building it back together again.

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