So your data looks like...
...and you need...
...seconds? Then split the string with an AttributeSplitter based on : and use an AttributeCreator to do (hours x 60 x 60) + (minutes x 60) + (seconds).
Ohhh thats an interesting one - I'm not 100% sure if this is supported or not by FME's built in DateTime tools.
perhaps @nielsgerrits has a clue if it is.
Another option, all be it much less ideal is to extract the various parts of the string and use an ExpressionEvaluator to calculate the number of seconds.
You can use the SubstringExtractor to create new attribute _hours, _mins_secs
and then the ExpresisonEvaluator to do the math
So your data looks like...
...and you need...
...seconds? Then split the string with an AttributeSplitter based on : and use an AttributeCreator to do (hours x 60 x 60) + (minutes x 60) + (seconds).
Oh, AttributeSplitter is even better than the sub StringExtractor
Oh, AttributeSplitter is even better than the sub StringExtractor
I think it is doable in one AttributeCreator using regex to find the 3 inputs from the string, but I could not find the time to write it out.
Oh, AttributeSplitter is even better than the sub StringExtractor
Catching matches is probably easiest:
Oh, AttributeSplitter is even better than the sub StringExtractor
Hey @geomancer when I try this I get this result: @nielsgerrits I get also this result when splitting the field into hours minutes and second and using this formula
(@Value(QueueWaitH) * 60 *60) + (@Value(QueueWaitM) * 60) +@Value(QueueWaitS)
any ideas why?
thanks for all the help!
Oh, AttributeSplitter is even better than the sub StringExtractor
When doing calculations, you need to add @Evaluate(), else it will be handled as a string expression.
So you need to do...
...when using an AttributeSplitter or...
...if you do it using the regex sample from @geomancer or...
...when using the substring function as @virtualcitymatt suggests.
I think using a substring might the best answer as you can do it in one go and substring is probably faster / less complex than regex?
Oh, AttributeSplitter is even better than the sub StringExtractor
@nielsgerrits that worked perfectly - thank you very much :)
Oh, AttributeSplitter is even better than the sub StringExtractor
FME will automatically use @Evaluate when you use the Arithmetic Editor.