I just discover when choosing to read from an Access database with MAX_FEATURES_PER_FEATURE_TYPE set it still reads the whole dataset before selecting my number of inputs:
2018-10-11 12:31:58| 0.5| 0.0|STATS |Storing feature(s) to FME feature store file `C:\Users\paalp\AppData\Local\Temp\visual_inspection_123158\inspector.ffs'
2018-10-11 12:36:40| 284.2|283.8|INFORM|Microsoft Access Reader: Database read complete. Retrieved 1561980 feature(s)
2018-10-11 12:36:41| 284.3| 0.0|INFORM|Microsoft Access Reader: Closing `C:\Users\paalp\OneDrive - Geodata\Prosjekter\MD-darwin\BarentsVisual\BarentsVisual.mdb' . Read operation complete
2018-10-11 12:36:41| 284.3| 0.0|INFORM|MULTI_READER(MULTI_READER): Done reading 1000 features from 1 readers
This seems very backwards, it first read all 1561980 features, and then it reads 1000 of those. While I'm waiting several minutes for the read to finish. Is this a bug in the reader?
FME 2018.1