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Reading las/laz from network drive suddenly throws error: LAS reader: Failed to open file for reading. Please ensure that the file exists and you have sufficient privileges to read it.


Other filetypes works fine eg. JSON. Also, if I move the las/laz files and read the from my local machine it works fine.

Any ideas why this happens?


(My user have full priveliges on the folders and it's content also I have tried setting full access for anyone on the folders.)



Hi @albjoh​, we discovered an issue recently where special characters in the file path was causing the LAS Reader to fail. For example a path containing some of these characters "ÅöÆñáéíóú日本中国" would cause the reader to fail. Do you have any special characters in your file path?

The issue has since been resolved and is available as part of the FME 2023.2 beta. I recommend downloading the beta from our site and testing the LAS Reader again to see if it was related to this known issue.

Hi @albjoh​, we discovered an issue recently where special characters in the file path was causing the LAS Reader to fail. For example a path containing some of these characters "ÅöÆñáéíóú日本中国" would cause the reader to fail. Do you have any special characters in your file path?

The issue has since been resolved and is available as part of the FME 2023.2 beta. I recommend downloading the beta from our site and testing the LAS Reader again to see if it was related to this known issue.

Hi, @danminneyatsaf​ It seems to work fine in 2023.2 beta (and yes there was a special char in the path). Thanks a lot!
