
engine is not seen

  • 3 April 2024
  • 1 reply


We have installed the FME Flow on a new server and successfully licensed it. However, I do not see any available engines in FME Flow. I tried to use the old server license, then removed it and installed the new licensed version. I noticed that the workspaces are running. I checked the web connection and found it is connected to the new server, and the host is related to the new server. However, on the deployment status page, the host is related to the old server.

I want to ensure that everything is related to the new server and to see the available engines
we use FME FLOW 2023

1 reply

Userlevel 1
Badge +4

Hi @ayatelnmer_2010 ! I’m sorry to hear you’re having these issues. 

What kind of deployment do you have set up (express, distributed, etc.)? If you’re on Windows, are all the FME Flow services running in Windows Services? When you view the installed programs on the machine, is the old FME Flow version still there? What versions and builds are the new and old FME Flows?

It sounds like there was an issue with the uninstall process and some of the new components are picking up old components that failed the uninstall. It’s likely best for you to Submit a Case with our Support team and attach your installation, tomcat, core, and engine logs for us to examine and help troubleshoot.

