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Hi all,

as in topic: I have problems with existing formatting of xls file where I want to write/update one sheet. Till today workbench worked as it should. No problems occurred. Today complete disaster. In whole file formatting is vanished, the table where I update data there is no formatting, so I don't do anything with FME to create it sth else connected.

When I open xls file I get message that: we found problems with some content do you want to recover file if you trust the source of it? After recovery there is no formatting anymore :(


Only change is that to formula OR within xls I've add one more argument (now there are 3 of them). File is saved as xlsm (it was like this from the beginning) but issue is solved if I save file as xls. Anyway I can't use this file format, I need macro enable one.

I've tried to upload reader and writer once again previously deleting old once. Issue stays :(

Any ideas what I can do?

Hi @kabinczyk. Sorry to hear you run into this problem. Issues like this can be really hard to diagnose. Can you share your workspace and excel template (if you are using any)?


Since the workspace was working before, I think the key is to know what had changed:


  • Did you make any changes to the workspace before the problem occurred?
  • Are you writing to a different output file, this time?
  • Did you use a different version of FME to run the workspace than previous runs?
  • Any change on Excel side?


Hi @kabinczyk. Sorry to hear you run into this problem. Issues like this can be really hard to diagnose. Can you share your workspace and excel template (if you are using any)?


Since the workspace was working before, I think the key is to know what had changed:


  • Did you make any changes to the workspace before the problem occurred?
  • Are you writing to a different output file, this time?
  • Did you use a different version of FME to run the workspace than previous runs?
  • Any change on Excel side?



One formula was updated, and as I've checked it causes the problem. How can I fix this? I've already tried to define/upload once again reader and writer in my workbench but it didn't solve the issue. Formula is in the sheet that is not used in workbench.



One formula was updated, and as I've checked it causes the problem. How can I fix this? I've already tried to define/upload once again reader and writer in my workbench but it didn't solve the issue. Formula is in the sheet that is not used in workbench.


Hi @kabinczyk, I believe it would be necessary to see your workspace and test it with the Excel input you used, to figure out this issue. If you hesitate to share the data and workspace in the community, can you please use this form to send them to our team, so we can investigate?


Hi @kabinczyk, I believe it would be necessary to see your workspace and test it with the Excel input you used, to figure out this issue. If you hesitate to share the data and workspace in the community, can you please use this form to send them to our team, so we can investigate?


Thx, I've send files to your support team on Wednesday. Case number: C138448 if you could look into it as soon as possible it would be great. I also tried to run it on different computer - all the same :(



Thx, I've send files to your support team on Wednesday. Case number: C138448 if you could look into it as soon as possible it would be great. I also tried to run it on different computer - all the same :(



Hi @kabinczyk, thank you. We've received your case, and will be investigating and get back to you as soon as possible.


Hi @kabinczyk,

Thank you for submitting your case to us. After investigating the workspace and the output, this appears to be related to a known issue with the Excel library in FME 2017.1.

The issue was resolved with an update to the Excel library in FME 2018 and newer.


You can find the latest release of FME here.

